# Configuration variables

# Providers

# Scaleway

Variables Description
SCW_ORGNIZATION_ID Your Scaleway organization id
SCW_ACCESS_KEY Your Scaleway access key
SCW_SECRET_KEY Your Scaleway secret key


Variables Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY Your AWS access key. This is important to note that your credential must allows access to AWS EC2 and S3 services
AWS_SECRET_KEY Your AWS secret key

# Provider

Variables Description
cloud_provider The provider to host the infrastructure. It must be AWS, OVH or SCW. There is no default value.
region The region to host the infrastructure. There is no default value. The default value for AWS is eu-central-1, for OVH is GRA5 and for Scaleway is fr-par.
availability_zone The availability zone to host the infrastructure. On AWS and Scaleway, the default value is set to the first availability zone of the specified region. For instance, if you provide the eu-central-1 region on AWS, the default value will be eu-central-1a, and if you provide the region fr-par on Scaleway the default value will be fr-par-1

# Network

Variables Description
ssh_user The user to get connected to the instances. On Scaleway the default value is root and on AWS and OVH the default value is ubuntu.
ssh_key The path to the the ssh key required to get connected to the instances. There is no default value.
bastion_ip The IP address of the bastion to be used. The default value is the value of the manager_ip variable.
bastion_ssh_user The user to be used to get connected to the bastion. The default value is the value of the ssh_user variable.
bastion_ssh_key The private key to be used to get connected to the bastion. The default value is the value of the ssh_key variable.

# Instances

Variables Description
gluster_share_volume_mount_point The mount point used to mount the volume share created by Gluster. The default value is /mnt/share.
skip_gluster A boolean to skip the Gluster shared volume setup. Defaults to false.
rclone_conf The path to the rclone configuration you want to provision on the nodes. The default values is "".
user_script The user scripts to be executed when the instances are created. It must be the file path to the script. Refer to the section Using user script to learn more. The default value is "".
nvm_version The version of the nvm (opens new window) tool to install.
yq_version The version of the yq (opens new window) tool to install.

# Manager

Variables Description
manager_instance_type The instance type of the manager instances. It must be a X86 64bits architecture and it depends on the provider. There is no default value.
manager_instance_count The number of manager instances. The default value is 1
manager_additional_volume_size The size in giga bytes of the additional volume. You must provide a size larger than 0 to setup an additional volume. The default value is 0
manager_additional_volume_type The type of additional volumes to add. This option only works on AWS. The different types (opens new window) are gp2, io1, st1 and sc1. The default value is sc1
manager_additional_volume_mount_point The mount point used to mount the devices. The default value is /mnt/data
manager_ips If defined, it represents the IP addressed to be retrieved and attached to each managers. On Scaleway it must be the IDs of a Flexible IP (opens new window), on AWS the address of an Elastic IP (opens new window) and on OVH the address of a Floating IP (opens new window). If undefined, the managers are assigned a public IP defined by the provider.
manager_crontabs The crontabs file to be provisioned on the managers. The default value is [].


On Scaleway the ID of a flexible IP can be retrieved using the More info entry of the overflow menu assigned to this flexible IP.

# Workers

Variables Description
worker_instance_type The instance type of the Docker Swarm workers. It must be a X86 64bits architecture and it depends on the provider. There is no default value
worker_instance_count The number of worker instances. The default value is 0
worker_additional_volume_size The size in giga bytes of the additional volume. You must provide a size larger than 0 to setup an additional volume. The default value is 0
worker_additional_volume_type The type of additional volumes to add. This option only works on AWS. The different types (opens new window) are gp2, io1, st1 and sc1. The default value is sc1
worker_additional_volume_mount_point The mount point used to mount the devices. The default value is /mnt/data

# Docker

Variables Description
docker_version The version of the Docker engine to be installed. The available versions can be obtained using the command apt-cache madison docker-ce . The default value is 5:19.03.2~3-0~ubuntu-bionic
docker_tls_ca_key The path to the CA private key. The default value is ca.key
docker_tls_ca_cert The path to the CA public key. The default value is ca.cert
docker_tls_ca_pass The path to the CA passphrase file. The default value is ca.pass