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Develop your app

The skeleton provides the basic structure and tools to build and run a KDK-based application. We detail the main commands in the following sections.

Web app

Running for development

Run the frontend app (from root project folder): $ yarn dev


Run the frontend app as a PWA (from root project folder): $ yarn pwa:dev

Then from the backend api folder run the server-side app: $ yarn dev

Then point your browser to localhost:8080.

Building for production

Build the frontend app (from root project folder): $ yarn build.


Build the frontend app as a PWA (from root project folder): $ yarn pwa:build

Then from the backend api folder build the server-side app: $ yarn build

Running in production

Make sure you built your app first

From the backend api folder run the server-side Feathers app, this will also serve the frontend Quasar app : $ yarn prod

Then point your browser to localhost:8081.

Linting the code

As the KDK, the skeleton relies on JavaScript standard style.

To lint the code (from root project folder or the backend api folder):

$yarn lint


Use Chrome DevTools, look at this tutorial video. Usually you simply have to open chrome://inspect in the Chrome URL.

If you want to launch a specific test use: yarn mocha -- --grep "My test".

If you want to pause the debugger when running the tests this should do it: yarn mocha -- --inspect-brk.

If you want to debug replicas you can use the following environment variables to launch two instances of your apps:

  • PORT / HTTPS_PORT: API server port for HTTP and HTTPS modes
  • CLIENT_PORT / HTTPS_CLIENT_PORT: frontend server port for HTTP and HTTPS modes

For the backend run one instance with $ yarn dev and the other one with $ yarn dev:replica (this will use another port for the Node.js debugger on the second instance and avoid conflict).

Look at this tutorial will you need to debug the app in Safari from a Windows developmen environment.

Remote debugging

Notably useful to debug your app running on a mobile device.

For this you need to enable remote debug on your Android device.


For PWA you will need to setup port forwarding so that you can use the same http:\\localhost:port adress on your device as on your PC, otherwise you will not be able to install the application.