v2.3.0 - December 3rd, 2024
Major enhancements:
👉 Bumped NodeJS to v20,
👉 Bumped CI to GitHub Actions,
👉 Bumped CesiumJS to v1.117 (3D rendering engine),
👉 Added visibility
style property that can be templated,
👉 Added leaflet-arrowheads plugin to be able to create layers with related options,
👉 Added ability to rotate the map with still some restrictions (weather, canvas and gradient path layers),
👉 Added support for layers targetting PMTiles,
👉 Added highlightable
flag on layers,
👉 iframe integration can now register client-side hooks on services,
👉 iframe integration can now register a handler to manage real-time feature updates,
👉 iframe integration can now track an entity in globe,
👉 New map attribution component,
👉 Ability to stack multiple timeseries with multi-selection,
👉 Selecting features does not clean current probe anymore,
👉 Now possible to avoid opening a widget on feature selection,
👉 Now possible to configure pane z-index directly in layer definition,
👉 Now possible to configure custom content in about box,
👉 Imported GeoJson files can now include panes information,
👉 (Dis)Connection popup can be deactivated by configuration,
👉 Simplified domain management in client configuration.
Cartographic data enhancements:
👉 Enhanced rendering and legend of various data layer.
Major bug fixes:
✅ Right opener not accessible when opening the right pane on mobile device,
✅ PWA installation prompt visible in Firefox even if not built as a PWA,
✅ layer-updated
event was missing in globe activities.
More details on GitHub for Kano and KDK.
v2.2.0 - March 1st, 2024
Major enhancements:
👉 Enhanced layer styling capabilities,
👉 More ergonomic timeline component,
👉 Enhanced location components,
👉 Enhanced image capture component,
👉 Allow to assign multiple legends to a layer,
👉 Legend can now display information related to layer variables,
👉 Legend can now display external OWS legends,
👉 Emit catalog/feature service events for iframe integration,
👉 Emit disconnect/reconnect events for iframe integration,
👉 Allow to show/hide window controls,
👉 Add a better map scale,
👉 New events service that can be used to dispatch messages to all connected clients,
👉 Added mapping projects management.
Cartographic data enhancements:
👉 Enhanced rendering and legend of various data layer.
Major bug fixes:
✅ Search tool does not zoom when the result is not a point feature,
✅ Mapillary marker is not moving when navigating with the viewer,
✅ GSMap cloud cover layer not working anymore.
Major breaking changes for customized versions or iframe integration use cases:
💥 changed layer variable unit from units
to unit
💥 local storage keys now automatically prefixed by configured application name in kebab case (e.g. my-app-jwt
for MyApp
💥 layout elements in client config are now prefixed by layout
or layout.panes
), 💥 simple style cannot be defined anymore in feature style
💥 engine/layer style definition (details).
More details on GitHub for Kano and KDK.
v2.1.0 - Septembre 25th, 2023
Major enhancements:
👉 Migrated documentation to VitePress,
👉 Progressive Web App,
👉 Enhanced time input components,
👉 Enhanced window behavior with size policy and responsive controls,
👉 Real-time user data layer update for collaborative editing.
Major bug fixes:
✅ Sending updateLayer
command in iframe API closes feature edition,
✅ Layer filters not correctly updated on tiled layers,
✅ Favorite view items do not expand in catalog,
✅ Bug report button not available in about dialog.
More details on GitHub for Kano and KDK.
v2.0.0 - June 29th, 2023
Major enhancements:
👉 Bumped NodeJS to v16 and Feathers to v5,
👉 Bumped Quasar to v2 and VueJS to v3,
👉 Allow to create specific views from a layer,
👉 Redirect to target URL once connected,
👉 Provided a legend component.
Cartographic data enhancements:
👉 RTE generation data layer linked to new krawler job,
👉 ICOS atmosphjeric data layer linked to new krawler job.
Major bug fixes:
✅ Token without user ID not valid anymore to be used by iframe.
Major breaking changes for customized versions or iframe integration use cases:
💥 renamed configuration/layers/categories files to .cjs
💥 backend configuration should comply with Feathers v5, e.g. authentication,
💥 need to prefix layout path by layout.
in frontend configuration,
💥 default mode
required for each layout element with content having multiple keys,
💥 window.widgets
frontend configuration path changed to
💥 static files moved from src/statics
to public
💥 internal event bus refactoring (on/off()
replaced $on/off()
, added $engineEvents
for map engine events).
Check NodeJS documentation for problems related to ECMAScript modules. Check Quasar upgrade guide for problems related to Quasar v2/Vue v3.
More details on GitHub for Kano and KDK.
v1.6.0 - August 30th, 2022
Major enhancements:
👉 Catalog layout now includes favorite views,
👉 Shapefile import is now supported,
👉 Catalog with more default categories.
Cartographic data enhancements:
👉 METAR data layer linked to new krawler job,
👉 Little Alert Box data layer.
Major bug fixes:
✅ Geodesic circles cut when exceeding the viewport,
✅ Some measure layers do not work anymore in 3D mode,
✅ Forbid the window to pop out of the screen when moving or scaling it,
✅ Memory leak in gradient path,
✅ Real-time layers not correctly updated when time changes,
✅ Impossible to remove min/max zoom levels once edited in the style,
✅ Hiding/Showing a layer does not take into account configuration changes,
✅ Popup active by default in layer style editor,
✅ Editing the style of a web service layer (eg WMTS) makes it disappear.
Major breaking changes for customized versions or iframe integration use cases:
💥 Default catalog categories moved from frontend to backend configuration.