Map Mixins
The underlying map object is based on Leaflet and some mixins also rely on Leaflet plugins. The following set of mixins is to be used to construct a new map activity and underlying Leaflet objects.
Base Map
This mixin is a mandatory one to build a map activity
Make it possible to manage map layers and extend supported layer types:
- setupMap(domElement, options) creates the underlying Leaflet map object with given options
- addLayer(options)/removeLayer(name) registers/destroys a layer based on a catalog layer descriptor
- showLayer/hideLayer(name) (un)hides the given layer in map, on first show the layer will be lazily created
- hasLayer(name) check if a given layer is already registered
- isLayerVisible(name) check if a given layer is visible and underlying Leaflet object created
- zoomToLayer(name) fits the map view to visualize a given layer
- zoomToBounds(bounds) fits the map view to visualize a given extent as bounds [ [south, west], [north, east] ]
- getLayerByName(name) retrieve the catalog layer descriptor for a given layer
- renameLayer(previousName, newName) rename a given layer
- removeLayer(name) destroys a given layer
- getLeafletLayerByName(name) retrieve the underlying Leaflet object for a given layer
- createLeafletLayer(options) creates the underlying Leaflet object based on a catalog layer descriptor, will check all registered constructor for any one matching
- getLeafletPaneByName(name) retrieve the underlying Leaflet object for a given pane
- createLeafletPane(name) creates the underlying Leaflet object for a pane
- removeLeafletPane(name) destroys the underlying Leaflet object for a given pane
- registerLeafletConstructor(constructor) registers a Leaflet constructor function for a given type of layer
- center(longitude, latitude, zoomLevel, bearing, options) centers the map view to visualize a given point at a given zoom level, and possibly bearing when the leaflet-rotate plugin is active, some options like an animation
can also be added - getCenter() get the current map view center as longitude, latitude and zoom level
- getBounds() get the current map view bounds as
[ [south, west], [north, east] ]
- setBearing(bearing) change the current bearing of the map when the leaflet-rotate plugin is active
- setCurrentTime(datetime) sets the current time to be used for time-based visualisation (e.g. weather forecast data or dynamic features)
This mixin also adds the following internal data properties:
- layers available layers as catalog layer descriptors
This mixin automatically includes some Leaflet plugins: leaflet-fa-markers to create markers using Font Awesome icons, Leaflet.fullscreen to manage fullscreen mode, Leaflet.markercluster to create marker clusters, Leaflet.VectorGrid to display vector tiles.
Managing panes
Although DOM-based layers like Markers could make use of a z-index
to possibly manage render order between them, SVG or canvas-based layers used to manage GeoJson features like Polylines provided no mean to do so. Similarly, there was no simple way to render some layers only at some specific zoom levels. This is the reason why Leaflet 1.0 introduced the concept of panes.
If you add a zIndex
option to your layer descriptor we will create a dedicated pane for you under-the-hood so that the layer will be rendered at its right rank. Check the z-index
value of the default panes to select the appropriate one.
If you add a panes
option to your layer descriptor we will create the dedicated panes for you under-the-hood so that you can then set in the pane
option of any sublayer the pane it will belong to. Each pane must have a unique name and can be visible at specific zoom levels:
name: 'Layer',
panes: [{
name: 'waypoints',
minZoom: 7,
maxZoom: 14
Map Style
KDK intoduces its own style specification as described below:
style: {
visibility: true, // a boolean (or a string with "true" or "false" when templated) controlling feature's visibility, defaults to true
// Line geometry
line: {
color: 'black' // any HTML color or [Quasar color](
width: 1 // any positive value
opacity: 1.0 // range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
cap: 'round', //
join: 'round', //
dashArray: 'none', //
dashOffset: 0 //
// Polygon geometry
polygon: {
color: 'black', // fill color, any HTML color or [Quasar color](
opacity: 1.0, // fill opacity
fillRule: 'evenodd' //
stroke: {
color: 'black', // any HTML color or [Quasar color](
width: 1, // any positive value
opacity: 1.0, // range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
cap: 'round', //
join: 'round', //
dashArray: 'none', //
dashOffset: 0, //
// Point geometry
point: {
shape: 'circle', // represent a registered SVG shape
size: ['24px', '24px'], // array of HTML sizes
radius: undefined, // alternative to the size property.
color: 'black', // any HTML color or [Quasar color](
opacity: 1.0, // range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
stroke: {
color: 'black', // any HTML color or [Quasar color](
width: 1, // any positive value
opacity: 1.0, // range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
cap: 'round', //
join: 'round', //
dashArray: 'none', //
dashOffset: 0 //
icon: {
classes: undefined // must be specified, e.g 'las la-home'
url: '' // url to the image to be displayed. Alternative to the classes property
color: 'black', // any HTML color or [Quasar color](
opacity: 1.0, // range from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)
size: '14px', // any HTML size
translation: ['-50%', '-50%'], // translation to apply to render the icon relative to the shape
rotation: 0 // rotation to apply to render the icon relative to the shape
text: {
label: undefined, // text to be displayed
color: 'black', // any HTML color or [Quasar color](
size: '12px', // any HTML size
translation: ['-50%', '-50%'], // translation to apply to render the text relative to the shape
rotation: 0, // rotation to apply to render the text relative to the shape
extraStyle: 'background-color: #1A1A1A' // additional CSS to be applied to text
html: null // an HTML element to be rendered
KDK comes with a set of predefined marker shapes: circle
, rect
, rounded-rect
, diamond
, triangle
, triangle-down
, triangle-left
, triangle-right
, star
, marker-pin
, square-pin
. But it allows you to register you own shape. See the Shapes section to understaned how to register a new shape.
In addition and for backward compatibility, KDK supports an enhanced simple style spec options with the following mapping:
SimpleStyleSpec | KDK Style |
z-index | pane |
pane | pane |
stroke | color |
stroke-color | color |
stroke-opacity | opacity |
stroke-width | weight |
fill | fillColor |
fill-opacity | fillOpacity |
fill-color | fillColor |
weight | weight |
radius | radius |
line-cap | lineCap |
line-join | lineJoin |
dash-array | dashArray |
dash-offset | dashOffset |
marker-symbol | style.point.shape |
marker-size | style.point.size |
marker-color | style.point.color |
marker-anchor | style.point.anchor |
icon-url | style.point.icon.url |
icon-html | style.point.html |
icon-color | style.point.icon.color |
icon-size | style.point.icon.size |
icon-anchor | style.point.anchor |
icon-class | style.point.icon.classes |
icon-opacity | style.point.icon.opacity |
icon-classes | style.point.icon.classes |
icon-x-offset | style.point.icon.xOffset |
icon-y-offset | style.point.icon.yOffset |
The mixin automatically registers defaults styling for the the following type: point
, line
and polygon
. For each type, the following options are merged with the following order of precedence:
- feature style: or simple style spec options located in
- layer style set on layer descriptor
- engine style set on engine descriptor
All these style properties can be templated using lodash string templates. Their final values will be computed at creation/update time.
The following collection is rendered as illustrated below:
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" } },
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"style": { "color": "magenta", "opacity": 0.5, "stroke": { "color": "yellow", "width": 3 } },
"properties": { "name": "Parc de la Colline" },
"geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -72.357206347890767, 47.72858763003908 ], [ -71.86027854004486, 47.527648291638172 ], [ -72.37075892446839, 47.539848426151735 ], [ -72.357206347890767, 47.72858763003908 ] ] ] }
"type": "Feature",
"properties": { "name": "Centre Paul-Étienne Simard", "fill": "orange", "stroke": "green", "stroke-width": 3 },
"geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -72.357206347890767, 48.013440900213297 ], [ -72.239750684218109, 48.013440900213297 ], [ -72.253303260795718, 47.856056000888501 ], [ -72.027426984502114, 47.856056000888501 ], [ -72.036462035553868, 48.013440900213297 ], [ -71.905453795303586, 48.01646283861713 ], [ -71.891901218725963, 47.801464984333364 ], [ -72.361723873416651, 47.810567474765456 ], [ -72.357206347890767, 48.013440900213297 ] ] ] }
"type": "Feature",
"properties": { "name": "Loisirs Rivière du Moulin" },
"geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -72.194575428959382, 48.33278115872843 ], [ -72.018391933450374, 48.33278115872843 ], [ -71.846725963467236, 48.251628525276693 ], [ -71.950629050562299, 48.107038644740094 ], [ -72.203610480011122, 48.107038644740094 ], [ -72.397864077623623, 48.221539261269051 ], [ -72.194575428959382, 48.33278115872843 ] ] ] }
"type": "Feature",
"style": { "color": "blue", "opacity": 0.5, "width": 3, "dashArray": "0 8 0" },
"properties": { "name": "Saint-Remy-en-Bouzemont-Saint-Genest-et-Isson" },
"geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -73.839785615317746, 47.564240180362376 ], [ -73.627461915601779, 47.716431476953346 ], [ -73.455795945618627, 47.552045722357249 ], [ -73.279612450109633, 47.710352336655504 ] ] }
"type": "Feature",
"properties": { "name": "Sainte-Geneviève", "stroke": "orange", "stroke-width": 6 },
"geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -73.716981531178234, 47.889388912080449 ], [ -73.423342371996569, 48.091953743979651 ], [ -73.242641350961676, 47.883329977544491 ], [ -73.685358852497131, 47.862118125007399 ] ] }
"type": "Feature",
"properties": { "name": "Saint-Anicet" },
"geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -73.485142395986983, 48.338787334581873 ], [ -73.480624870461128, 48.161307640513321 ], [ -73.385756834417805, 48.164320903012829 ], [ -73.394791885469544, 48.338787334581873 ] ] }
"type": "Feature",
"style": { "shape": "star", "size": [48, 45], "color": "orange", "stroke": { "color": "green", "width": 2 }, "text": { "label": "01" } },
"properties": { "name": "Sydenham" },
"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.051641470913779, 47.610352336655504 ] }
{ "type": "Feature",
"style": { "shape": "circle", "color": "blue", "size": [32, 32], "stroke": { "color": "white", "width": 1 }, "icon": { "classes": "las la-home", "color": "white", "size": "20" } },
"properties": { "name": "Saint-Luc" },
"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -71.110369302750115, 47.998430466372736 ] }
"type": "Feature",
"style": { "shape": "none", "color": "transparent", "size": [64, 64], "icon": { "url": "icons/kdk/position-cursor.png" } },
"properties": { "name": "Loisirs du Fjord du Saguenay" },
"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ -70.988396113551573, 48.32977780546792 ] }
Map Popup
Make it possible to generate Leaflet popups based on GeoJson feature properties. Use register/unregisterStyle(popup
, generator) to (un)register a function f(feature, layer, options) returning a Leaflet popup
The mixin automatically registers a default generator that will create a popup displaying a property name/value table based on the following options with the following order of precedence
- popup: set on or layer descriptor or in the popup property of component options
- pick: array of property names to appear in the popup
- omit: array of property names not to appear in the popup
- template: Lodash template to generate popup content with
, itsproperties
and translation function$t
as context - text: text content of the popup, if provided will override default display
- options: Leaflet popup options
If you want to disable a default popup configuration like popup: { }
(i.e. display all properties) on a per-layer basis you have to explicitely unset it on your layer options using popup: null
or popup: false
Map Tooltip
Make it possible to generate Leaflet tooltips based on GeoJson feature properties. Use register/unregisterStyle(tooltip
, generator) to (un)register a function f(feature, layer, options) returning a Leaflet tooltip
The mixin automatically registers a default generator that will create a tooltip based on the following options with the following order of precedence
- tooltip: set on or layer descriptor or in the tooltip property of component options
- property: property name to appear in the tooltip
- template: Lodash template to generate tooltip content with
, itsproperties
and translation function$t
as context - text: text content of the tooltip, if provided will override default display
- options: Leaflet tooltip options
If you want to disable a default tooltip configuration like tooltip: { property: 'name' }
(i.e. display all properties) on a per-layer basis you have to explicitely unset it on your layer options using tooltip: null
or tooltip: false
GeoJson Layer
Make it possible to manage and style raw or time-based GeoJson map layers (Leaflet.Realtime plugin is used under-the-hood):
- createLeafletGeoJsonLayer(options) automatically registered GeoJson Leaflet layer constructor
- updateLayer(name, geoJson, remove) update underlying GeoJson data of a given layer, if
it will remove given features from the layer, otherwise it will add new ones found and update matching ones based on thefeatureId
The style mixin is mandatory when using this mixin. If you'd like to support popups/tooltips you should also use the popup mixin and/or tooltip mixin.
If your component has a onLeafletFeature(feature, layer, options) method it will be called each time a new GeoJson feature is created.
Marker clustering options are to be provided in the cluster property of the Leaflet layer options or in the cluster property of component options, with this order of precedence. The following configuration illustrates a GeoJson marker cluster layer using options set on the layer descriptor (see image below):
name: 'Layer',
description: 'My sites',
tags: [ 'business' ],
icon: 'star',
attribution: '(c) My company',
type: 'OverlayLayer',
leaflet: {
type: 'geoJson',
source: '',
cluster: {},
'marker-color': 'orange',
'icon-color': 'white',
'icon-classes': 'fa fa-star',
popup: {
pick: [ 'NAME' ]
tooltip: {
property: 'LABEL'
If you want to disable a default clustering configuration like cluster: { disableClusteringAtZoom: 18 }
on a per-layer basis you have to explicitely unset it on your layer options using cluster: null
or cluster: false
Additional feature types
The following options can be set as feature properties
to manage more geometry types:
- geodesic boolean set to
on aLineString
will result in a geodesic line from the Leaflet.Geodesic plugin - geodesic boolean set to
on aPoint
will result in a great circle from the Leaflet.Geodesic plugin, which radius must be specified in meters - gradient color array set on a
will result in a color ramp applied to the line by mapping each point to the corresponding color in the array - mask boolean set to
on aPolygon
will result in the polygon(s) acting as a mask over the map - offset integer set to a number of pixels on a
will result in the line being offset by the specified number of pixels when drawn
Dynamic styling
Usually the same style is used for all features of a GeoJson layer, you might however require a more dynamic style base on each feature properties. To handle this use case you can either:
- provide styling options for each feature in their
field - use Lodash templating on layer styling options with feature and its properties as context
Templating can only be efficient if compilers are created upfront, as a consequence you need to declare the list of templated options in your layer styling using the template
For instance you can change the marker color or image based on a given features's property like this:
'marker-color': `<% if (properties.visibility < 75) { %>#000000<% }
else if (properties.visibility < 300) { %>#d20200<% }
else if (properties.visibility < 1500) { %>#f9b40f<% }
else if (properties.visibility < 3000) { %>#eef52f<% }
else { %>#33c137<% } %>`,
'marker-symbol': `<% if (properties.visibility < 75) { %>/statics/windyblack.png<% }
else if (properties.visibility < 300) { %>/statics/windyred.png<% }
else if (properties.visibility < 1500) { %>/statics/windyorange.png<% }
else if (properties.visibility < 3000) { %>/statics/windyyellow.png<% }
else { %>/statics/windygreen.png<% } %>`,
template: ['marker-color', 'marker-symbol']
You can also draw a path with a different styling on each part like this:
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: [{
type: 'Feature',
properties: { stroke: '#000000', weight: 1 },
geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: [...] }
}, {
type: 'Feature',
properties: { stroke: '#FF00FF', weight: 3 },
geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: [...] }
Edit Layer
Make it possible to edit features of a GeoJson layer (geometry and properties):
- editLayer(name) start/stop layer edition on a given layer
- updateFeatureProperties(feature, layer, leafletLayer) update feature properties action handler that will open an editor to define feature properties
It has to be used with the GeoJson layer mixin and will use the configured styling.
File Layer
Make it possible to drag'n'drop GeoJson or KML file on the map (Leaflet.FileLayer plugin is used under-the-hood). It will automatically create a new GeoJson layer named after the filename on drop. As a consequence it has to be used with the GeoJson layer mixin and will use the configured styling.
Forecast Layer
Make it possible to manage Weacast map layers:
- createLeafletForecastLayer(options) automatically registered Weacast Leaflet layer constructor
This mixin assumes that your component has initialized its Weacast client in the weacastApi
property by using e.g. the Weacast mixin
Canvas Layer
Make it possible to draw custom graphic elements on top of other layers using HTML canvas elements. These custom graphic elements are defined by their draw function and are run in the client application, using a controlled draw context. It is not possible for these draw functions to access anything outside the specified context.
createLeafletCanvasLayer (options) is automatically registered to allow creation of such Leaflet layer. The following fields can be set on the options object:
- draw an array containing the same information as given to setCanvasLayerDrawCode drawCode parameter.
- userData an object containing user data that'll be usable in the draw code.
- autoRedraw boolean set to true if the canvas should automatically be redrawn every frame.
- pointerEventsEnabled boolean set to true to enable pointer events on the canvas layer (required if you use clickable elements).
- clickThroughEnabled boolean set to true to allow click events to go through the canvas layer when no clickable elements were clicked (requires pointerEventsEnabled to work).
setCanvasLayerDrawCode (layerName, drawCode, autoRedraw) define the draw code used by the layer named
is a boolean used to enable automatic refresh of the layer at each displayed frame (required eg. to animate elements).drawCode
is expected to be an array of objects where each object is of the following form :{ feature: 'LAYER_NAME?FEATURE_NAME', code: '... some javascript draw code ...' }
will run the given draw code only for the feature namedFEATURE_NAME
in the layer namedLAYER_NAME
.{ layer: 'LAYER_NAME', code: '... some javascript draw code ...' }
will run the given draw code for each feature of the layer namedLAYER_NAME
setCanvasLayerUserData (layerName, userData) is used to add some custom user data to the draw context. The
object parameter will be merged into theuserData
object available on the draw context. This allows users to push partial updates, there's no need to push the whole user data every time a single member changes.setCanvasLayerAutoRedraw (layerName, autoRedraw) is used to enable or disable automatic redraw of the canvas layer named
. Automatic redraw may be required for example when animating objects. By default automatic redraw is off, which means that the canvas layer will only redraw when :- the user moves the map
is calledsetCanvasLayerUserData
is called
The following configuration illustrates a layer used to draw feature property name as text at the feature position for all features of the layer named Airports.
name: 'AirportNames',
type: 'OverlayLayer',
icon: 'local_airport',
leaflet: {
type: 'kanvasLayer',
isVisible: true,
draw: [
layer: 'Airports', code: `
const props =
const coords = {
lat: ctx.feature.geometry.coordinates[1],
lon: ctx.feature.geometry.coordinates[0]
const pos = ctx.latLonToCanvas(coords)
ctx.canvas.font = '10px sans-serif'
ctx.canvas.fillStyle = '#ffb300'
ctx.canvas.fillText(, pos.x, pos.y)
The ctx
object is the draw context and is the only object available from the draw code.
By default, the following fields are available on the draw context :
- canvas the canvas rendering interface by which the drawing will occur. Draw api is available here.
- now the time of the draw function call, can be useful to animate things.
- zoom the current map zoom value.
- latLonToCanvas (coords) project from latitude/longitude to canvas coordinates (pixels).
- addClickableFeature (geojson, path, clickStyle) add a clickable path element associated with the
feature. When clicked, it will emit a 'clicked' event with the associated feature as event data. - clearClickableFeatures () clear all the clickable features that have been added so far.
- userData object where all the user data pushed through
has been merged. - vec2 (a, b) build a vec2 object from two points (where points and vec2 are objects with
members ). - len2 (vec) compute length of a vec2 vector.
- scale2 (vec, value) scale a vec2 vector by
. - norm2 (vec) return the corresponding normalized vec2 vector.
It is possible to extend what's available in the draw context from the application using the CanvasDrawContext
singleton. In this case you should call CanvasDrawContext.merge(contextAdditionObject)
to merge the content of contextAdditionObject
with the draw context. This call must be done before the canvas layer mixin is created. This can be useful to build an application specific library of draw functions and make these available to the canvas layer instances.
Map Activity
Make it easier to create 2D mapping activities:
- initializeMap() setup the mapping engine, should be called first before any other method
- finalizeMap() destroy the mapping engine
It assumes that the DOM element used by the render engine has a ref named map