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Used to setup a reactive store, call useStore() with the following arguments:

  • name unique store name within the application
  • initialStore initial store content if any

The composable exposes the following:

  • store: the created store object
  • clear(): reset store content
  • set(path, value): set a store value by path
  • get(path): get a store value by path
  • unset(path): unset a store value by path
  • has(path): test if a store has a value by path
  • forOwn(f): call function f on each (value, key) of the store


Used to manage user client session with the following options:

  • redirect function to override default redirection behaviour with the following arguments:
    • route current route,
    • result from before guard,
    • user current user (null if none currently authentified).

Rely on global guards to ensure redirection. It also manages the socket connection state and will display disconnection/reconnection dialogs accordingly.


Used to manage the current context of the application, call useContext() with the following arguments:

  • fallbackRoute the route used to redirect the application when the current context is removed or does not exist

The composable exposes the following:

  • Context: the current context as a ref
  • setContext(objectOrId): clears the current context and set the current context with the provided object or the object corresponding to the given id.
  • clearContext(): clears the current context
  • getService(): returns the service used to manage the context

The context service to be used is the one set in the context.service property of the configuration.

Causes the context to be automatically refreshed on route change.

Will make the context available in the context property of the global store.


Used to setup a reactive store for selection items, call useSelection() with the following arguments:

  • name unique store name within the application
  • options options to setup the store
    • matches comparison function to identify two selected items as equal, defaults to Lodash matches

The composable exposes the following:

  • selection: the created store object
  • clearSelection(): reset selection content
  • get/setSelectionMode(mode): get current selection mode or switch between 'single' or 'multiple' mode
  • get/setSelectionFilter(filter): get/set filtering function to avoid selecting certain items
  • selectItem(path): select a new item
  • unselectItem(path): unselect an item
  • has/getSelectedItem(), has/getSelectedItems(): check for selected item(s) depending on selection mode

Screen & Layout


Used to watch the screen properties, call useScreen() without the following arguments:

  • options options to setup the dense and wide breakpoints
    • denseBreakpoint the breakpoint that sets the maximum screen width below which the dense property is true. Default value is sm.
    • wideBreakpoint the breakpoint that specifies the minimum screen width at which the wide property becomes true. Default value is sm.

The composable exposes the properties provide by the Quasar screen plugin, as well as the following capabilities:

  • dense: true if the screen size is xs
  • wide: true if the screen size is greater than sm
  • orientation: portrait or landscape according the screen orientation
  • Fullscreen: true if the screen is in fullscreen mode
  • toggleFullscreen: toggle the fullscreen mode
  • lockOrientation: locks the screen orientation to either 'portrait' or 'landscape'


Used to manipulate the layout, call useLayout() without arguments.

The composable exposes the following ({Placement} can be Top, Bottom, Left, Right):

  • configureLayout(configuration, context): apply the layout configuration with provided binding context (i.e. this)
  • clearLayout(): reset layout content
  • setLayoutMode(mode): change current layout mode
  • set{Placement}Pane(configuration, context): apply the layout configuration to target placement with provided binding context (i.e. this)
  • set{Placement}PaneMode(mode): change current layout mode of target placement
  • set{Placement}PaneFilter(filter): change filter applied on elements of target placement
  • set{Placement}PaneVisible(visible): change the visibility of target placement
  • set{Placement}PaneOpener(opener): change the visibility of target placement's opener
  • clear{Placement}Layout(): reset layout content of target placement



Used to setup states and options for a new activity, call useActivity() with the following arguments:

  • name unique activity name within the application
  • options options to setup the activity
    • selection true to also create a selection store associated with the activity
    • state initial state content if any

Causes the current activity to be automatically reset on unmount.

The composable exposes the following:

  • state: the store object for activity state
  • options: the store object for activity options
  • setCurrentActivity(activity): set the given component as the current activity
  • elements exposed by the selection composable associated to the activity


Used to access the current activity, call useCurrentActivity() with the following arguments:

  • options options to retrieve the activity
    • selection true to also retrieve the selection store associated with the activity
    • state initial state content if any

Causes the current activity to be automatically reset on unmount.

The composable exposes the following:

  • state: the store object for current activity state
  • options: the store object for current activity options
  • elements exposed by the selection composable associated to the activity





Used to count the items within a collection. Call useCollectionCounter with the following arguments:

  • options options to define the access to the service
    • service the service name
    • contextId the context Id if the service is contextual
    • baseQuery the base query to apply
    • filterQuery the filter query to apply
import { composables as kdkComposables } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'
// Data
const { counter } = kdkComposables.useCollectionCounter({ 
  service: ref('missions'), 
  contextId: ref(props.eventId) 


Used to get min and max value from a collection. Call useCollectionTimeRange with the following arguments:

  • options options to define the access to the service
    • service the service name
    • contextId the context Id if the service is contextual
    • baseQuery the base query to apply
    • filterQuery the filter query to apply
    • property the collection property to search on (default: createdAt)
  • return Object
    • start the min property value
    • end the max property value
import { composables as kdkComposables } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'
// Data
const { timeRange } = kdkComposables.useCollectionTimeRange({
  service: ref('events'),
  property: ref('updatedAt'),