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Converts from client/server side comparison types (e.g. numbers) to basic JS types, which is usually required when querying the database. Applies to $lt, $lte, $gt and $gte operators.

Reads the query object to process from hook.params.query


Return a hook function according to provided options

Retrieve the target object(s) required by a subsequent operation from its service. The object(s) are populated in hook.params according to the following options:

  • serviceField: name of the field where to read the name of the target service on or hook.params.query
  • nameServiceAs: name of the field where to write the target service when found on hook.params
  • idField: name of the field where to read the _id of the target object on or hook.params.query
  • nameIdAs: name of the field where to write the target object when found on hook.params
  • throwOnNotFound: boolean indicating if an error should be raised when either the target service or object is not found

If when applied existing object(s) and/or service are found in hook.params they are reused as is (i.e. not updated)


Similar to populateObject except that if no object ID is found it will retrieve all objects from the target servic using service.find({ query: {} }).

Data model


Usually used as a app-level hook

Discard all perspectives declared on the model by default. Will for any to be included when using $select.

Take care of a subset of perspective fields like when using $select: ['perspective.fieldName']


Usually used as a app-level hook

When a perspectives is present in your data model you must disallow update it in order to avoid erasing it. Indeed, when requesting an object e.g. for edition they are not retrieved by default, su sending it back for update will erase the missing perspective fields.

serialize(rules, options)

Return a hook function according to provided options

The rules argument contains the list of transformations to be applied, it is an array of objects like the following:

  • source: the path of the source property to read value from
  • target: the path of the target property where to write value to
  • delete: boolean indicating if the source property should be deleted after transformation

Modify the data structure of operation item (i.e. data/result in before/after hook) according to the following options:

  • throwOnNotFound: boolean indicating if an error should be raised when either the target service or object is not found
import { hooks } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.api'
// Will transform hook data from { name: 'toto' } to { profile: { name: 'toto' } }
service.hooks({ before: { create: [ hooks.serialize([{ source: 'name', target: '', delete: true }], { throwOnNotFound: true }) ] } })


Usually used as a app-level hook

Transform any value bound to an _id like key from a string into a Mongo ObjectID on client queries.

Take care of $in, $nin and $or operators recursively, as well as nested fields query like field._id


Return a hook function according to provided property list

Transform a known set of properties from strings into a Mongo ObjectIDs on client queries.

Fields are searched on or hook.params.query

import { hooks } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.api'
// Will convert data.participant and data.event to ObjectIDs
service.hooks({ before: { all: [ hooks.convertObjectIDs(['participant', 'event']) ] } })

convertDates(properties, asMoment)

Return a hook function according to provided property list and Date/moment object flag

Transform a known set of properties from strings into a Data or moment object on client queries.

Fields are searched on or hook.params.query

import { hooks } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.api'
// Will convert data.expireAt to Date
service.hooks({ before: { create: [ hooks.convertDates(['expireAt']) ] } })


Flag the item as deleted when required by subsequent operations.

Delete flag is stored in the deleted field


To be used a a before hook

Retrieve the target object before an update or a patch operation.

Previous object is stored in hook.params.previousItem


To be used a a before hook Return a hook function according to provided delay

Set the MongoDB TTL on the target object.

TTL is stored in the expireAt field



To be used a before hook Return a hook function according to provided options

Rate limit the call of a target service (and possibly operation) according to the following options:

  • tokensPerInterval: the number of allowed tokens in the given delay (1 service call = 1 token)
  • interval: the delay to fill the bucket with the given number of tokens in
  • operation: will only apply to this operation when given
  • service: will only apply to this service when given (usefull when used as a app-level hook)

Rely on the token bucket algorithm



Retrieve the target subject object(s) for an authorisation operation.

Specialises populateObjects with the following options:

  • serviceField: 'subjectsService'
  • idField: 'subjects'
  • throwOnNotFound: true


Retrieve the target resource object for an authorisation operation.

Specialises the populateObject with the following options:

  • serviceField: 'resourcesService'
  • idField: 'resource'
  • throwOnNotFound: true


Usually used as a app-level hook

Check permissions to access target resource object(s) for current user on the performed operation.

If the operation is authorised the hook.params.authorised flag will be set to true.

If you'd like to force/unforce authorisation check use the hook.params.checkAuthorisation flag.

By default check will only be performed when called from a client not from the server itself.


Return a hook function according to provided options

Update cached subject abilities when permissions have changed according to the following options:

  • subjectAsItem: boolean indicating if the subject is the item of the current operation (e.g. when applied on the users service) or provided by hook.params.user
  • fetchSubject: boolean indicating if the subject object has to be entirely fetched from the underlying service (usefull when the item does not include permissions)



To be used a before hook Return a hook function according to provided options

Check password policy when creating/updating the user's password according to the following options:

  • userAsItem: boolean indicating if the user is the item of the current operation (e.g. when applied on the users service) or provided by hook.params.user
  • passwordField: the name of the field containing the clear password on the item (defaults to clearPassword)
  • previousPasswordsField: the name of the field containing the hashed password history on the item (defaults to previousPasswords)

For more information read about password policy configuration.


To be used a before hook Return a hook function according to provided options

Update the password history when updating the user's password according to the following options:

  • userAsItem: boolean indicating if the user is the item of the current operation (e.g. when applied on the users service) or provided by hook.params.user
  • passwordField: the name of the field containing the current hashed password on the item (defaults to password)
  • previousPasswordsField: the name of the field containing the hashed password history on the item (defaults to previousPasswords)

For more information read about password policy configuration.


To be used a before hook

Generate a random password according to password policy (if any) and store it in the password item field.

For more information read about password policy configuration.



To be used an after hook

Create the database used to store organisation data and registered organisation services. Hook result is expected to be the organisation object and the organisation ID will be used as the database name.


To be used an after hook

Delete the database used to store organisation data and registered organisation services. Hook result is expected to be the organisation object.


To be used an after hook

Set default membership of the user as params to organisation owner after creating it. Hook result is expected to be the organisation object.


To be used an after hook

Removes membership of all users of the organisation after removing it. Hook result is expected to be the organisation object.



To be used an after hook

Set default membership of the user as params to group owner after creating it. Hook result is expected to be the group object.


To be used an after hook

Removes membership of all users of the group after removing it. Hook result is expected to be the group object.



Usually used as a app-level hook

  • Log error for each hook in error with error log level.
  • Log information for each hook ran with verbose (respectively debug for client) log level.
  • Log detailed information for each hook ran with debug (respectively trace for client) log level.



Usually used as a app-level hook

Emit an event named {hook_type}Hook (e.g. beforeHook or afterHook) for each hook ran, the payload of the event being the hook object.