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Provide basic methods to register(user), login(email, password), logout(), and restoreSession().

Will make the currently authenticated user available in the user property of the global store.


Compute user' abilities and keeps it up-to-date on user' permissions changes.

Abilities are stored in the user.abilities property of the global store.

Base Activity

Make it easier to update the application layout when the user changes his current activity:

  • clearTitle()/setTitle() (un)sets the application bar title in store appBar property
  • clearActions()/registerAction(type, action) (un)registers actions to be used by the activity
    • registerFabAction() registers actions to be used in action button, type = 'fab'
    • registerTabAction() registers actions to be used in navigation bar, type = 'tabBar'
  • clear/setSearchBar(field, services) (un)sets the application search bar in store searchBar property
  • clear/setLeftDrawer(component, content) (un)sets the application left drawer in store leftDrawer property
  • clear/setRightDrawer(component, content) (un)sets the application right drawer in store rightDrawer property
  • clearActivity() resets actions/title used by the activity
  • refreshActivity() should be overridden in concrete activities to implement action registration and title - search bar - right panel setup

Causes the activity to be automatically refreshed on user' permissions changes or route change.

Base Item

Make it easier to setup items displayed by a collection:

  • clearActions()/registerAction(type, action) (un)registers actions to be used on the item
    • registerPaneAction() registers actions to be used in item pane, type = 'pane'
    • registerMenuAction() registers actions to be used in item menu, type = 'menu'
  • refreshActions() should be overridden in concrete items to implement action registration

Causes the item actions to be automatically refreshed on user' permissions changes.

Service Proxy

Make it easier to access an underlying service from the contextId and service props:

  • getService() to retrieve the service

Object Proxy

Make it easier to access an underlying object of a given service from the objectId and perspective props:

  • getObject() to retrieve the service object
  • getObjectId() to retrieve the service object ID
  • loadObject() causes the service object to be resolved for current properties values


If a perspective is configured only that perspective will be retrieved.


The service mixin is mandatory when using this mixin.

Schema Proxy

Make it easier to access an underlying JSON schema object for a given service from the schema-name, service or schema-json props:

  • getSchema() to retrieve the schema object
  • getSchemaId() to retrieve the schema object ID
  • getSchemaName() to retrieve the schema name
  • loadSchema() causes the schema object to be resolved for current properties values

If a JSON schema is directly provided (as a string) it will be parsed, otherwise it will load a schema file which name is computed like this:

  • basename is the given schema name or service name
  • suffix is .update if the objectId props is defined or .create otherwise
  • -perspective is added to suffix if the perspective props is defined
  • extension is always .json


This mixin has been designed to be used with the service mixin and the object mixin.

For instance, if you set props like this <my-editor service="users"/> on your component using the mixins, the users.create.json schema file will be loaded. If you set props like this <my-editor service="users" :objectId="objectId" perspective="profile"/>, the users.update-profile.json schema file will be loaded.

Base Editor

Make it easier to build editors from baseObject and baseQuery props, as well as props defined on associated mixins:

  • getMode() returns updated or create depending if the objectId props is defined or not
  • fillEditor() fill all forms with current object values
  • clear() clear all forms back to default values
  • validateForms() validate all forms
  • applyForms() call apply() on all forms
  • submittedForms() call submitted() on all forms
  • getBaseObject() return retrieved object from service or input base object as defined in baseObject props, if a perspective is defined through the perspective props only that perspective is returned.
  • getBaseQuery() return input base query as defined in baseQuery props, will automatically add object ID and perspective to query if any defined
  • async apply(event, done) setups all the underlying objects to make it ready for edition
  • refresh() setups all the underlying objects to make it ready for edition
    1. load service from the contextId and service props
    2. load schema from the schema-name, service or schema-json props
    3. load object from the objectId and perspective props
    4. load form refs from the set of refs that have been defined
    5. build forms
    6. fill forms


This mixin has been designed to be used with the service mixin, the schema mixin, the object mixin and the refs resolver mixin.


The baseObject props is usually used to keep track of existing or additional "hidden" or "internal" properties in addition to the ones edited throught the form.

Check out a code example here to see how to create your own editors.

Base Field

Make it easier to build form fields from the properties and display props:

  • emptyModel() get the default "empty" value of the field, returns an empty string by default
  • clear() set the current value of the field to be the default one if provided through properties.field.default, use "empty" model value otherwise
  • value() get the current value of the field, simply gets the value from model by default
  • fill(value) set the current value of the field, simply copies the value as model by default
  • apply (object, field) applies the current field value on the given target object, simply copies the value in the object by default, to be overloaded if you need to perform specific operations before the form has been submitted
  • submitted (object, field) does nothing by default, to be overloaded if you need to perform specific operations after the form has been submitted
  • onChanged() emits the field-changed event whenever the field value has changed, consequently the form will validate or invalidate the field, should be binded in template to events like blur.

Quasar field components are usually used to implement form fields, the given set of computed properties are available to be bound:

  • icon alias for properties.field.icon if display.icon is true, empty by default
  • label alias for properties.field.label if display.label is true, empty by default
  • helper alias for properties.field.helper
  • disabled alias for properties.field.disabled, false by default
  • hasError boolean indicating if a validation error has occured
  • errorLabel alias for properties.field.errorLabel, empty by default


label, helper and errorLabel properties will be automatically internationalized if corresponding values are valid translation keys.

Check out a code example here to see how to create your own fields.


Make it easier to display information about client and API versions in applications:

  • refreshVersionNames() retrieves the version information, it will be stored in clientVersionName and apiVersionName data variables