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Return a hook function according to provided options

Transform the hook results into a GeoJson object:

  • force: set to true to perform transformation whatever hook parameters, otherwise this hook will only be run when hook.params.asGeoJson is true (default)
  • longitudeProperty: name of the field where to read the longitude on result items
  • latitudeProperty: name of the field where to read the latitude on result items
  • altitudeProperty: name of the field where to read the altitude on result items
  • pick: an array of properties to be picked on result items using Lodash
  • omit: an array of properties to be omitted on result items using Lodash
  • properties: a map between input key path and output key path supporting dot notation, a value of the map is a structure like this:
    • from: input key path
    • to: output key path (defaults to input path if not given)
    • delete: boolean indicating if the input key path should be deleted or not after mapping
  • asFeatureCollection: true to output a GeoJson feature collection (default) otherwise will generate an array of GeoJson features


Converts from client/server side spatial types (e.g. coordinates or numbers) to basic JS types, which is usually required when querying the database. Applies to MongoDB geospatial operators. It also manages shortcuts to create spatial queries for features in a given area.

Also set hook.params.asGeoJson to true when hook.query.geoJson is true (see above).


Constructs query for feature aggregation over time.

Reads the query object to process from hook.params.query.$aggregate