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Only available on mobile devices

Allow to launch native route navigation apps to go to a given location (the launch navigator cordova plugin is used under-the-hood):

  • canNavigate() check if navigation is possible (mobile device and navigation app installed)
  • navigate(longitude, latitude) launches native route navigation app for the given location


Used to add styling to layers on your 2D and 3D activities:

  • register/unregisterStyle (type, generator) (un)registers the function to create the style object as per the input type (e.g. markerStyle, featureStyle, popup, infobox or tooltip)

The generator signature and return type depends on the mapping engine, please refer to specific map or globe mixins for more details.


Used to add information box style to your 2D and 3D activities. This makes it possible to display metadata provided as GeoJson feature properties.

Use register/unregisterStyle(infobox, generator) to (un)register a function f(feature, options) returning the feature properties to be displayed. The mixin automatically registers a default generator that will create an information box displaying a property name/value table based on the following options with the following order of precedence

  • infobox: set on or layer descriptor or in the infobox property of component options
    • pick: array of property names to appear in the information box
    • omit: array of property names not to appear in the information box


If you want to disable a default information box configuration like infobox: { } (i.e. display all properties) on a per-layer basis you have to explicitely unset it on your layer options using infobox: null or infobox: false.

Feature Selection

Used to support feature selection on your 2D and 3D activities. A selected feature will be automtically highlighted on the map and (un)selecting a feature will automatically (hide) show map widgets.


If you'd like to make your features unselectable simply create your layer with the isSelectable property set to false.

Feature Service

Ease requests to a feature service in order to get real-time updates and edit features:

  • getProbeFeatures(options) retrieve the probe locations (if any) for a given catalog layer descriptor to initialize the feature layer
  • getProbeFeaturesFromLayer(name) same as above but using the layer name
  • getFeatures(options, queryInterval) get the latest available features for a given catalog layer descriptor at current time or in a given elapsed time range if a query interval in milliseconds is given
  • getFeaturesFromLayer(name, queryInterval) same as above but using the layer name
  • getMeasureForFeature(options, feature, startTime, endTime) get the available probe measures for a given catalog layer descriptor in the given time range, will store result in probedLocation attribute and emits the probed-location-changed event
  • getProbedLocationMeasureAtCurrentTime() computes measure values at current time (see time mixin) once a location has been probed
  • createFeatures(geoJson, layerId) creates a new set of features in feature service associated to the target layer based on input GeoJson
  • editFeaturesGeometry(geoJson) edits the geometry of a set of features in feature service based on input GeoJson
  • editFeaturesProperties(geoJson) edits the properties of a set of features in feature service based on input GeoJson
  • removeFeatures(geoJsonOrLayerId) removes a set of features in feature service based on input GeoJson or all features associated to the target layer if any


Please refer to feature service API for more details on measure aggregation.


Make it easier to integrate with Weacast:

  • setupWeacast(config) initializes a Weacast client in the weacastApi property
  • setupForecastModels() retrieve available forecast models from Weacast API
  • setForecastModel(model) updates the current forecast model and emits the forecast-model-changed event
  • setForecastLevel(level) updates the current forecast level and emits the forecast-level-changed event
  • getForecastForLocation(long, lat, startTime, endTime) helper function to dynamically probe weather elements at a given location in a given time range using the Weacast API
  • getForecastForFeature(featureId, startTime, endTime) helper function to get weather element at static probe location in a given time range using the Weacast API
  • getProbedLocationForecastAtCurrentTime() computes element values at current time (see time mixin) once a location has been probed (dynamically or statically)
  • getProbedLocationForecastMarker(feature, latlng) generates a marker using a wind barb according to element values in feature

This mixin also adds the following internal data properties:

  • forecastModel: currently selected forecast model
  • forecastModels: list of available forecast models
  • forecastLevel: currently selected forecast level

The currently selected forecast level or the list of available forecast levels is managed through the levels mixin.

Here is an example of a forecast levels description object:

  name: 'pressure',
  label: 'Pression',
  units: [
  values: [ 1000, 700, 450, 300, 200 ]

Note that in Weacast all meteorological elements are assumed to be atomic, i.e. each element is a 2D longitude/latitude grid of scalar values, there is no forecast level. As a consequence each forecast level will be associated to a different element in the Weacast configuration. This means that the forecast level is a pure construction of the KDK based on the following convention: if a forecast layer descriptor for an element named gust contains a list of forecast levels like [ 1000, 700, 450, 300, 200 ] then it is assumed that Weacast will provide the atomic elements named gust-1000, gust-700, gust-450, gust-300, gust-200. The right one will be retrieved according to currently selected forecast level using the pattern element_name-forecast_level.


The mixin will automatically update forecast time whenever the current time is changed in the activity


If no config options are provided when initializing Weacast it is assumed that it runs as a backend service acccessible through feathers-distributed


Ease management of time-based component:

  • setCurrentTime(datetime) change the current time to the given one and ensure it is internally stored as a UTC moment object to avoid any confusion, emits the current-time-changed event
  • setTimeFormat(format) change the formats used to display date/time, each format is based on moment display options and the object is structured like this
    • time
      • short: display format for time in "short" form
      • long: display format for time in "long" form
    • date
      • short: display format for date in "short" form
      • long: display format for date in "long" form
    • year
      • short: display format for year in "short" form
      • long: display format for year in "long" form
    • utc: boolean indicating if date/time should be displayed in UTC or according to user's locale
    • locale: the user's locale to be used when not displaying date/time in UTC
  • formatTime(format, datetime): get the formatted date/time for display according to current format settings, if no date/time given the current one set in component will be used. The format is the path to the actual format in the format object, e.g. formatTime('time.short') to get a formatted time in short form. The iso path is reserved for ISO 8601 display.

Here is an example of a format object:

  time: {
    short: 'H[h]',
    long: 'HH:mm'
  date: {
    short: 'DD/MM',
    long: 'dddd D'
  year: {
    short: 'YY',
    long: 'YYYY'
  utc: true,
  locale: 'en'


The mixin is in sync with the timeFormat property of the global store so that you can have a shared data/time display format accross all time-based components with a dedicated UI to change settings using e.g. store.patch('timeFormat', { locale, utc }).

This mixin also adds the following internal data properties:

  • currentTime: current time as UTC moment object
  • currentTimeFormat: current format object to be used for display
  • currentFormattedTime: same structure as the format object but contains ready-to-display values of the current time, e.g. currentFormattedTime.time.short will give you the formatted time string in short form according to current format settings.


Make it easier to create 2D/3D mapping activities by providing methods available in both cases:

  • initialize() setup view, Weacast, layers and timeline, should be called first before any other method
  • registerActivityActions() register default activity actions (fullscreen mode, geolocation, geocoding, tracking, probing, etc.)
  • getCatalogLayers() retrieve available catalog layer descriptors
  • refreshLayers() setup available layers based on catalog layer descriptors
  • registerLayerActions(layer) register default layer actions (zoom, save, edit, edit data, remove, etc.)
  • isLayerStorable/Removable/Editable(layer) helper function to get the state of a given layer descriptor
  • onLayerAdded(layer) layer action handler that will setup available action on layer
  • onTriggerLayer(layer) trigger action handler that will hide/show a given layer
  • onZoomToLayer(layer) zoom action handler that will zoom to a given layer
  • onCreateLayer() create layer action handler that will open an editor to define layer properties
  • onSaveLayer(layer) save action handler that will persist a given in-memory layer to persistent storage provided by a feature service
  • onEditLayer(layer) edit action handler that will open an editor to change layer properties
  • onEditLayerData(layer) edit data action handler that will (de)activate feature edition mode to update layer features geometry and properties
  • onRemoveLayer(layer) remove action handler that will ask for confirmation before removing a persisted layer
  • onGeocoding() geocoding action handler that will open a dialog to search for a location to go to
  • onGeolocate() geolocation action handler that will launch a user's position lookup and go to found user's location
  • onTrackLocation() location tracking action handler that will enable/disable a location indicator to display location values


This mixin has to be initialized by providing a unique component/activity name like mixins.activity('map'). Indeed, the name is then used to retrieve the configuration associated with the activity from the global frontend configuration according to the following properties:

  • {name}: 2D/3D view configuration
  • [name}Panel: 2D/3D layers panel configuration
  • [name}Activity: 2D/3D activity configuration See e.g. Kano configuration options for more details.

This mixin also adds the following internal data properties: variables

  • variables the set of available variables in catalog layers
  • probedLocation the currently probed location feature (weather or measurement)


Used to be able to restore the user's context, i.e. view extent and active layers, in 2D/3D mapping activities by providing methods available in both cases:

  • storeContext(context) stores current context as route (query) parameters and persists as well in local storage
  • restoreContext(context) restores previously stored context from local storage, catalog (if a default one has been saved) or route (query) parameters
  • clearContext(context) clears the stored context so that it will not be restored anymore
  • getRouteContext(context) gets the context parameters from current route (from either parameters or query)
  • updateRouteContext(context) sets the context parameters on the current route (from either parameters or query)
  • saveContext (context) saves the context in the catalog
  • loadContext (context) sets the context from either the given parameters or the catalog (if context is an ID or a name)

At the present time two types of context are supported, although the system is flexible enough to easily add a new type:

  • view to restore current view bounds stored as route parameters
  • layers to restore currently active layers in catalog stored as route query parameters


The mixin is in sync with the restore.context (context being either view or layers) property of the global store so that you can have a shared restoration flag accross all mapping components with a dedicated UI to change settings using e.g. store.patch('restore.view', true). This can be overriden by a similar property on the activity configuration if you'd like to disable context restoration on a particular activity.


Allow to configure the k-level-slider component. The slider is associated with a layer and is only shown when properly configured. When the selected value changes, the selected-level-changed event is broadcasted.


The level slider is global, meaning that there's only one instance of the slider, and it is shared by every layer.

To configure the slider, we use an object with the following properties:

  • label: defines the slider label which will be displayed by the k-level-slider component.
  • units: an array defining the unit of the value we're manipulating. Currently we only care about units[0].
  • values: an array defining the discrete values the level can take.
  • range: an object defining a continuous range of values:
    • min: the minimum value
    • max: the maximum value
    • interval: the interval to use between min and max, 1 by default if not specified
  • lazy: a boolean indicating if setSelectedLevel is called as the slider moves (when false) or if it is only called when the slider is released (when true).

Here is an example of a configuration object:

  label: 'Temperature',
  units: ['degC'],
  lazy: false,
  range: {
    min: -10,
    max: 10,
    interval: 2
  /* or only some specific values
  values: [ -10, -8, 0, 4, 9 ]

The mixin adds the following functions:

  • setSelectableLevels(layer, levels, initialLevel) : defines the layer the slider is currently associated to, configures the selectable levels and sets the initial level.
  • clearSelectableLevels(layer) : clears the slider definition associated with the layer. This function will only clear the slider configuration if the current layer associated with the slider is the same as the layer argument.
  • setSelectedLevel(level) : selects a level value and broadcasts the selected-level-changed event. This is the function that is called when the slider moves.

This mixin also adds the following internal data properties:

  • selectedLevel: the currently selected level value.
  • selectableLevels: the current slider configuration object.