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Used to setup a reactive store for selection features, similar to core selection composable with the following additional options:

  • options options to setup the store
    • multiple: key for multiple selection, defaults to 'ctrlKey'
    • buffer: buffer selection width, default to 10 pixels
    • boxSelection: flag to enalbe selection by bbox, defaults to true
    • clusterSelection: flag to enable selection of all fatures of a cluster when selecting a cluster, defaults to false

The composable exposes the following additional elements:

  • has/getSelectedLocation(): check/get the selected location if any (when not selecting a feature)
  • has/getSelectedLayer(): check/get the layer of selected features(s) if any
  • has/getSelectedFeature(), has/getSelectedFeatureCollection(): check for selected features(s) depending on selection mode
  • centerOnSelection(): center current view on selected items
  • getWidgetForSelection(): get widget corresponding to selected items, can be customized using the widget layer property, defaults to 'time-series' for layer with variables or 'information-box' otherwise


Used to setup a reactive store for probing at a specific location, call useProbe() with the following arguments:

  • name unique store name within the application
  • options options to setup the store

The composable exposes the following:

  • probe: the created store object
  • clearProbe(): reset probing content
  • has/getProbedLocation(): check/get the selected probing location if any
  • has/getProbedLayer(): check/get the layer of selected probing location if any
  • probeAtLocation(): launch a probing action
  • centerOnProbe(): center current view on probed location
  • getWidgetForProbe(): get widget corresponding to probed location, defaults to 'time-series'


Used to setup a reactive store for storing highlights related to selected features, call useHighlight() with the following arguments:

  • name unique store name within the application
  • options options to setup the store
    • updateDelay: debounce delay to update highlight whenever selection changes
    • asBbox: flag to indicate if lines/polygons are highlighted using their respective bounding bonx; defaults to false
    • map style properties to customize highlight rendering

The composable exposes the following:

  • highlights: the created store object
  • clearHighlights(): reset highlight content
  • has/getHighlight(feature, layer): check/get a given highlight if any
  • highlight(feature, layer): highlight a new feature
  • unhighlight(feature, layer): unhighlight a feature

Under-the-hood, highlights are managed using a GeoJson layer.


Used to manage a map project, call useProject() with the following arguments:

  • route: flag indicating if project should be extracted from route otherwise it should be loaded manually
  • context: context ID for the project service
  • updateActivity: defaults to true
  • planetApi: target api object

Watches route change to track project ID

The composable exposes the following:

  • project: the current project object
  • projectId: the ID of the project to be loaded
  • hasProject(): check if a project to be loaded is specified
  • isProjectLoaded(): check if current project is loaded
  • loadProject(): load project if any specified
  • catalogProjectQuery: get query to retrieve layers from catalog for current project


Used to manage data coming from a catalog, possibly defined through a map project, call useCatalog() with the following arguments:

  • layers: default filter query applied when retrieving layers from catalog (defaults to {})
  • categories: default filter query applied when retrieving categories from catalog (defaults to {})
  • sublegends: default filter query applied when retrieving sublegends from catalog (defaults to {})
  • views: default filter query applied when retrieving views from catalog (defaults to {})
  • context: context ID for the project service (defaults to empty)
  • planetApi: the client to be used to retrieve catalog data (defaults to application client)

The composable exposes the following:

  • getLayers(): function to retrieved the set of layers from the catalog
  • layers: the retrieved set of layers from the catalog
  • getCategories(): function to retrieved the set of categories from the catalog
  • categories: the retrieved set of categories from the catalog
  • getSublegends(): function to retrieved the set of sublegends from the catalog
  • sublegends: the retrieved set of sublegends from the catalog
  • layersByCategory: the retrieved set of layers organized by category, i.e. keys are category names and values associated layers list
  • orphanLayers: the retrieved set of layers not belonging to any category
  • getViews(): function to retrieved the set of views from the catalog
  • views: the retrieved set of views from the catalog



Used to setup states and options for a new activity, similar to core activity composable with the following additional options:

  • name unique activity name within the application
  • options options to setup the activity
    • probe true to also create a probe store associated with the activity
    • highlight true to also create a highlight store associated with the activity

The composable exposes the following additional elements:


Used to access the current activity, similar to core activity composable with the following additional options:

  • options options to retrieve the activity
    • probe true to also retrieve the probe store associated with the activity
    • highlight true to also retrieve the highlight store associated with the activity

The composable exposes the following additional elements:

  • get/setActivityProject(): get or switch the current project used by the current activity