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KDK core offers a thin layer on top of the FeathersJS application mainly to simplify the creation and configuration of services. It also provide some helpful concepts and utilities to structure your application right.

Application API

Backend setup

KDK core provides a helper to quickly initialize what is required for your server application. The core module provides the ability to initialize a new KDK application instance, attach it to the configured database and setup authentication:

import { kdk } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.api'

// Initialize app
let app = kdk()
// Connect to DB
await app.db.connect()

Client setup

KDK core provides a helper to quickly initialize what is required for your client application.

import { initializeApi } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'

// Initialize API wrapper
let api = await initializeApi()
// Retrieve a given service
let users = api.getService('users')

You can provide the API initialization with an optional function that could be used to extend the wrapper object with additional features (i.e. properties or methods). This is typically used by the KDK map submodule:

import { initializeApi } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'
import { setupApi } from '@kalisio/kdk/map.client'

// Initialize API wrapper with extension function
let api = await initializeApi(setupApi)

Isomorphic features

KDK provides some isomorphic features like the permission system.

import { permissions } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.common'



Any value from the backend configuration can be directly retrieved on the application object like this:

const value = app.get('property')

Any value from the frontend configuration can be directly retrieved by importing it like this:

import config from 'config'

const value =

Under the hood FeathersJS configuration module and node-config are used to manage configuration so that any related concept to organise your configuration according to deployment options can be used.

getService(name, context)



Retrieve the given service by its name, should replace Feathers service method so that you are abstracted away from the internal service path (i.e. API prefix and context ID) and only refer to it by its "usual" name.

If no context is given, the current context set in the the store will be retrieved (if any) and the associated contextual or global service returned (if any).

On the client side this will also instanciate the service on the first call by default if not already created (see below).

createService(name, options)



Create a new service attached to the application by name and given a set of options in the backend:

  • context: the context object the service will be contextual to, if given the internal service path will be contextId/serviceName
  • modelsPath: directory where to find model declaration (optional), if provided will initiate a DB service based on the model file
  • modelName: name of the model file is not named after the service
  • servicesPath: directory where to find service declaration (optional), if provided for a non-DB service will initiate a service based on the returned object or constructor function from the service module, for a DB service it will apply the provided mixin object coming from the service module
  • fileName: by default the function will look to a model/service file named after the service name, this option allows to override it
  • events: service events to be used by the service
  • methods: service methods typically useful for custom methods
  • proxy: options for a service to be proxied by the created service
    • service: the name of the proxied service
    • params: the parameters to be used when calling the proxied service, either an object or a function returning the object and applied on the input parameters
    • id: the id map function to be used when calling the proxied service, will be applied on the input id
    • data: the data map function to be used when calling the proxied service, will be applied on the input the object
    • result: the result map to be used when calling the proxied service, will be applied on the returning the object(s)

Depending on the options you have to create a models and services directories containing the required files to declare your services, e.g. your folder/file hierarchy should look like this:

  • index.js: contains a default function instantiating all the services
  • models : contains one file per database adapter you'd like to support
    • serviceName.model.mongodb.js : exporting the data model managed by your service in MongoDB,
    • serviceName.model.levelup.js : exporting the data model managed by your service in LevelUP,
    • ...
  • services
    • serviceName
      • serviceName.hooks.js : exporting the hooks of your service,
      • serviceName.filters.js : exporting the filters of your service,
      • serviceName.service.js : exporting the specific mixin or mixin constructor function associated to your service (optional)

By default in Feathers client-side services related to backend services don't have to be explicitely created as it will automatically generate a wrapper on the first access, although using custom methods requires the service to be declared upfront. However, in the frame of the KDK, it is highly recommanded to also use the createService() method on the client side to declare any required service and related options:

api.createService('catalog', { methods: [...] })



You can create a new service attached to the application by name and give a set of options in the frontend almost like in the backend:

  • context: the context object the service will be contextual to, if given the internal service path will be contextId/serviceName
  • events: service events to be used by the service
  • methods: service methods typically useful for custom methods
  • hooks: object defining client-side hooks
  • service: service object or function like fn(name, app, options) generating a serive object

For instance this creates a in-memory service on the frontend:

import { memory } from '@feathersjs/memory'

api.createService('myService', {
  service: memory({
    id: 'name',
    paginate: { default: 12 }

Application Hooks

The following hooks are usually globally executed on the application:

Application hooks


We provide an isomorphic permissions management system so that user access can be checked:

  • at backend level, typically when accessing the API
  • at frontend level, typically before constructing the UI

The primary level of a permissions management system is a Role Based Access Control (RBAC), which relies on the grouping of users into various roles which are then assigned rights. A right is typically made up of an action and a resource type, e.g. role manager can create (action) documents (resource type). The KDK provide the following default roles, ordered by privilege level:

  • Roles.member, usually a "standard" user
  • Roles.manager, usually a "privileged" user
  • Roles.owner, usually a "superuser" or "administrator"

The secondary level of a permissions management system is an Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC), which allows to enforce authorization decisions based on any attribute accessible to your application and not just the user's role. Let's say we'd like to give a specific user access to a specific resource and this resource is created/removed dynamically at run time by your app. RBAC is a legacy access control that usually fails in this kind of dynamic environments. ABAC is more flexible and powerful to support these use cases, and technically ABAC is also capable of enforcing RBAC. This is the reason why the KDK implements this type of access control.

The create, respectively remove, operation on the authorisations service will:

  1. add, respectively remove, a privilege or permission level (e.g. owner or manager)
  2. for a subject (i.e. a user in most case but it could be generalized)
  3. on a resource (e.g. an organisation).

The permission will be stored directly on the subject (i.e. user) object so that they are already available once authenticated. They will be organized by resource types (what is called a scope) so that a user being the owner of the feathers organisation will be structured like this (organisations is an authorization scope on the user object):

  email: 'xxx',
  name: 'xxx',
  organisations: [{
    name: 'feathers',
    _id: ID,
    permissions: 'owner'

A hook system allows to register the different rules that should be enforced, CASL is used under-the-hood:

import { permissions } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.common'

permissions.defineAbilities.registerHook((subject, can, cannot) => {
  if (subject && subject._id) { // Subject can be null on anonymous access
    // Anyone can create new organisations
    can('service', 'organisations')
    can('create', 'organisations')
    if (subject.organisations) { // Check for authorisation scope
      subject.organisations.forEach(organisation => {
        if (organisation._id) {
          // Get user privilege level for this organisation
          const role = permissions.Roles[organisation.permissions]
          if (role >= Roles.member) { // Members have read-only access to organisation
            can('read', 'organisations', { _id: organisation._id })
          if (role >= Roles.manager) { // Manager have read-write access to organisation
            can('update', 'organisations', { _id: organisation._id })
          if (role >= Roles.owner) { // Owners have full access to organisation
            can('remove', 'organisations', { _id: organisation._id })

The can/cannot method requires three arguments to define permissions:

  • the first one is the action or the set of actions you're setting the permission for
    • service can be used to completely block access to a given service, otherwise specify either get, find, create, update, patch, or remove service-level operation
    • read is an alias for get + find
    • all is an alias for read + create + update + remove
    • update is an alias for patch as objects are usually only patched due to perspectives
  • the second one is the name of the resource type (i.e. usually the service) you're setting it on,
  • the third one is the conditions to further restrict which resources the permission applies to.


It is important to only use database fields for the conditions so it can be used for fetching records.

Once registered, rules can be enforced at API level using the authorise application-level hook:

import { hooks } from '@kalisio/kdk/core'

  before: {
    all: [hooks.authorise]

You will find implementation details in this article.

Client ecosystem


We use the global event bus provided by Quasar to exchange events between independent components in the app:

import { Events } from 'quasar'

// Register callback on event
const myCallback = (object) => { ... }
Events.on('myEvent', myCallback)
// Unregister it'myEvent', myCallback)

The event bus is notably used to be aware of state changes in the global store (see hereafter)


A component-based system like the one offered by KDK has its local and global states. Each component has its local data, but the application has a global application state that can be accessed by any component of the application. This is the purpose of the Store singleton object: allow to get or update the global state and make any interested component aware of it in real-time through events. The available API is illustrated by this code sample:

import { Store } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'
import { Events } from 'quasar'

const myCallback = (value, previousValue) => { ... }

Store.set('myGlobal', { ... }) // Set a root object
Store.patch('myGlobal', { property: value }) // Set a specific group of properties
Store.set('', value) // Set a specific property path
Store.get('', defaultValue) // defaultValue is returned if path is not found
Events.on('myGlobal-changed', myCallback) // When updating a root object
Events.on('myGlobal-property-changed', myCallback) // When updating a specific property path


You can define the currently active context object by using either the Context singleton object or the useContext composable, both actually sets it in the Store (context property). The composable will also track any change on the context business object by listening to the target service. Based on the current context, the getService method should return the appropriate service without the burden of providing the context as input parameter everywhere you need it:

// Create a global/contextual service
api.createService('catalog', { context })
// Set the context as current
// Here get the contextual service
// Clear the current context
// Here get the global service


Navigation guards control access to routes within an application. They allow you to define navigation rules in your app based on the user's status (authenticated or not), permissions, and route definitions.

The KDK provides you with some built-in before guards and a mecanism to register your own ones, more details can be found in our application template.


The Storage singleton provides you with high level functions to upload and download files using the Storage service.


Like the Storage singleton, the Exporter singleton provides ready-to-use functions to exploit the import-export service

This singleton exposes an export method which allows you to create an export. The interface is roughly similar to that exposed by the create method of the library feathers-import-export. The difference is that this interface allows you to offer different formats and provide a transformation according the format.

Moreover; it allows to uniquely identify the generated files. Indeed, the Exporter automatically timestamps the generated files. The generated filename is computed using a basename property, or the service name if basename is not define. To this basename, it adds the time and the format as the file extension such as the following specification: <basename|vervice>_<YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS:ssSZ>.<format>

The following configuration allows you to export data from the documents service in 2 formats: csv and json. The transformation associated with the chosen format will then be used to call the service.

service: 'documents',
  basename: 'my-documents',
  formats: [
    { label: 'CSV', value: 'csv' },
    { label: 'JSON', value: 'json' }
  transform: {
    csv: {
      mapping: {
        '' : 'iconName',
        'icon.color' : 'iconColor'
      omit: [ '_id', 'icon' ]
    json: {
      omit: [ '_id' ]
  gzip: false

Assuming, the use has selected the csv format, the generated file will be named my-documents_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS:ssSZ.csv.


The KDK offers a simple way of theming your application. The application theme is strongly linked with the Quasar's brand color approach. It strongly relies on using a predefined color schema composed of 8 colors:

Theme colors

You can customize these color schema statically and dynamically.

  • statically within the css/quasar.variables.styl:
$primary    = #bf360c
$secondary  ?= lighten($primary, 75%)
$accent     ?= lighten($primary, 25%)
$dark       ?= darken($primary, 25%)
$info       = $accent
$positive   = #7bb946
$negative   = #c74a4a
$warning    = #d09931
  • dynamically using the Theme singleton:
import { Theme } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'
const myTheme = {
  primary: '#afb42b',
  secondary: '#bf360c'
  accent: '#e4e65e',
  dark: '#7c8500'
  // the orther colors will be defined according the quasar.varaibles.styl values
// Apply my theme
// Restore the default colors defined in quasar.varaibles.styl

Even if you can specify four different colors, the KDK let you specify the primary color only and will compute the other colors according the following rules:

secondarylighten the primary by 75%
accentlighten the primary by 250%
secondarydarken the primary by 25%
infoequal to accent
positiveequal to #7bb946
negativeequal to #c74a4a
warningequal to #d09931

It provides a convenient way to change the theme of the application using just one color.


Applications might also make possible to setup the theme object from the frontend configuration


Client-side internationalization

Internationalization relies on i18next and its Vue plugin. We don't use component based localization and prefer to use component interpolation. Each module/application has its own set of translation files stored in the client/i18n folder. To avoid conflicts the convention we use is the following:

  • a translation used in multiple components has no prefix
  • a translation used in a single component is prefixed by the source component name
  • some prefixes are reserved
    • errors for error messages
    • schemas for labels in JSON schemas
  "CANCEL": "Cancel",
  "errors": {
    "400": "Operation cannot be performed: bad parameters",
  "schemas": {
    "AVATAR_FIELD_LABEL": "Select an avatar",
  "KScreen": {
    "CLIENT_VERSION": "Client version",

The setup of your application simply consists in providing to the i18n system the resolvers to load all the required translation files, please refer to our application template.

Server-side internationalization

Usually translations are only meant to be used at the client level, server errors are converted to client-side translation based on error codes. However, sometimes you need to raise more specific and meaningful error messages from the server, in this case the raised error should contain translation key(s) and context instead of raw message(s), e.g.:

import { BadRequest } from '@feathersjs/errors'

  // Somewhere in a hook or service
  throw new BadRequest('The provided password does not comply to the password policy', {
    translation: {
      key: 'WEAK_PASSWORD',
      params: { failedRules: ... }

That way you can generate client-side translation with a generic error handler like in our application template:

Events.on('error', error => {
  // Translate the message if a translation key exists
  const translation = _.get(error, 'data.translation')
  if (translation) {
    error.message = this.$t('errors.' + translation.key, translation.params)
  } else {
    // Overwrite the message using error code
    if (error.code) {
      error.message = this.$t('errors.' + error.code)