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The core module includes basic features to create a backend application and related services for e.g. users management, database, storage management, ...

The core module also includes basic features to create a frontend application: services access layer (mainly based on mixins), authentication components, application layout, item collection components, form and editor components.



Here are a set of utility functions:

  • createQuerablePromise (promiseOrExecutor) modify a Promise by adding some status functions (isFulfilled, isPending, isRejected)
  • getPaletteFromColor (color) convert from hexadecimal color value to color name in basic Quasar palette
  • getColorFromPalette (color) convert from color name in basic Quasar palette to color hexadecimal value
  • getLocale () find the current user's locale
  • isEmailValid (email) emails validator
  • isObjectID (id) ObjectID validator
  • getIconName (object, path = '') extract icon name from a given icon property on a given target object
  • dotify (object) transform nested object to dot notation

Store objects

The global store contains the following defaults objects:

topPane: { content: [current pane content], mode: 'current pane mode', filter: { curent content filter }, visible: current visibility state }
rightPane: { content: [current pane content], mode: 'current pane mode', filter: { curent content filter }, visible: current visibility state }
bottomPane: { content: [current pane content], mode: 'current pane mode', filter: { curent content filter }, visible: current visibility state }
page: { content: [current page content], mode: 'current pane mode', filter: { curent content filter } }
window: { current: 'current widget', widgets: [available widgets], filter: { curent widgets filter } }
fab: { actions: [current actions], filter: { curent actions filter } }

More details in the layout section


Global object used to build the layout content:

import { Layout } from '@kalisio/kdk/core.client'
// Bind a UI configuration to a target component
	id: 'action', icon: 'las la-eye-dropper', label: 'MyActivity.ACTION_LABEL', handler: 'onAction'
}], myComponent)