# Environment

# Kargo environment variables

Variable Description
KARGO_USER_ID The current user id running Kargo
KARGO_GROUP_ID The current group id running Kargo

# Global configuration

Variable Description Default value
DOMAIN The domain where to access the services. It should be similar to kalisio.xyz. -
SUBDOMAIN The subdomain where to access the service. It should be similar to kargo.kalisio.xyz. -
CONTACT The common email address to be used. -
AUTH_USER The authentication identity to access the services. -
AUTH_PASSWORD The authentication password to access the services. It can be encoded in MD5, SHA1 and BCrypt: you can use htpasswd (opens new window) to generate it. -
SECRET The secret key to generate JWT. It is mainly used by Kano, Weacast and express-gateway to validate authentication tokens. -
DOCKER_SOCKET_NETWORK The docker socket network kargo-docker-socket
DOCKER_FRONT_NETWORK The front docker network kargo-front
DOCKER_BACK_NETWORK The back docker network kargo-back
HTTP_PROXY The address of the proxy server for HTTP connections. -
HTTPS_PROXY The address of the proxy server for HTTPS connections. -
NO_PROXY A comma-separated list of host names that shouldn't go through any proxy. -
STACKS The list of stacks to be deployed. -

For each stack, there must be such an entry:

  • <name of the stack>_STACK: The list of services to be deployed within this stack.

# Services configuration

# Adminer

Variable Description Default value
ADMINER_IMAGE The image to be used. adminer
ADMINER_TAG The version to be used. 4.7.7-standalone
ADMINER_PLUGINS The plugins to be loaded. The list is available here. ``
ADMINER_DESIGN The theme to be used. The list is available here. lucas-sandery
ADMINER_DEFAULT_SERVER The default server to use. ``

# Centipede

Variable Description Default value
CENTIPEDE_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-centipede
CENTIPEDE_TAG The version to be used. 1.0.0
CENTIPEDE_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
CENTIPEDE_TTL The observations time to live. It must be expressed in seconds. 604800 (7 days)
CENTIPEDE_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 */5 * * * * (every 5 minutes)
CENTIPEDE_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output.

# Express Gateway

Variable Description Default value
EXPRESS_GATEWAY_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/express-gateway
EXPRESS_GATEWAY_TAG The version to be used. 1.16.9
EXPRESS_GATEWAY_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1
EXPRESS_GATEWAY_KEY_SECRET A secret that can be used to identify JWT issuer.

# Grafana

Variable Description Default value
GRAFANA_IMAGE The image to be used. grafana/grafana
GRAFANA_TAG The version to be used. 6.1.6

# Hub'eau

Variable Description Default value
HUBEAU_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-hubeau
HUBEAU_TAG The tag of the image to be used. 1.2.0
HUBEAU_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
HUBEAU_STATIONS_IMAGE The image to be used for scraping the stations. ${HUBEAU_IMAGE}
HUBEAU_STATIONS_TAG The tag of the image to be used for scraping the stations. stations-${HUBEAU_TAG}
HUBEAU_STATIONS_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 0 0 * * * (every day)
HUBEAU_STATIONS_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_IMAGE The image to be used for scraping the observations. ${HUBEAU_IMAGE}
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_TAG The tag of the image to be used for scraping the observations. observations-${HUBEAU_TAG}
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_TTL The observations data time to live. It must be expressed in seconds. 2592000 (30 days)
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_HISTORY The duration of the observations data history the job has to download. It must be expressed in milliseconds. 86 400 000 (1 day)
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_TIMEOUT The maximum duration of the observations job. It must be in milliseconds. 1 800 000 (30 minutes)
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_SUCCESS_RATE The success rate of the observations job. 75%
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 */15 * * * * (every 15 minutes)
HUBEAU_OBSERVATIONS_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``

# K2

Variable Description Default value
K2_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/kano
K2_TAG The version to be used. latest
K2_DATA_PATH The path to the data. /mnt/data0/k2_data
K2_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1
K2_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. ``

# Kano

Variable Description Default value
KANO_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/kano
KANO_TAG The version to be used. 0.1.0-dev
KANO_APP_SECRET The app secret used to authenticate a client. -
KANO_CESIUM_TOKEN The Cesium token to be used. -
KANO_MAPILLARY_TOKEN The Mapillary Client ID to be used. -
KANO_DB_URL The application database. -
KANO_DATA_DB_URL The database URL used by the services to access the data. -
KANO_LOG_LEVEL The log level of the application. verbose
KANO_DEBUG Enable the debug mode. ``
KANO_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1

# Kapture

Variable Description Default value
KAPTURE_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/kapture
KAPTURE_TAG The version to be used. 1.0.0
KAPTURE_KANO_URL The url to access the Kano app. http://kano:8081
KAPTURE_KANO_JWT The JWT to allow kapture to authenticate to Kano. -
KAPTURE_BODY_LIMIT The body limit size. 100kb
KAPTURE_REPLICAS The number of replicas to deploy. 1
KAPTURE_CONSTRAINTS The constraints to apply when deploying the service. node.role==worker

# Kontrol

Variable Description Default value
KONTROL_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/kontrol
KONTROL_TAG The version to be used. 1.0.0


More configuration details on our kontrol repository (opens new window).

# Logspout

Variable Description Default value
LOGSPOUT_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/logspout
LOGSPOUT_TAG The version to be used. v3.2.11
LOGSPOUT_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL The Slack webhook URL to be used to post messages
LOGSPOUT_SLACK_MESSAGE_FILTER The regex to be used to filter messages to be sent to Slack


More configuration details on our Logspout Slack adapter (opens new window).

# MapCache

Variable Description Default value
MAPCACHE_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/mapcache
MAAPCACHE_TAG The version to be used. 1.10
MAPCACHE_DATA_PATH The path to the data. /var/cache/mapcache
MAPCACHE_HEALTHCHECK_LAYER The layer to be used when checking the WMTS service. osm-bright
MAPCACHE_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 2

# MapServer

Variable Description Default value
MAPSERVER_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/mapserver
MAPSERVER_TAG The version to be used. 7.4
MAPSERVER_DATA_PATH The path to the data. /mnt/data0/mapserver_data
MAPSERVER_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1

# Maputnik

Variable Description Default value
MAPUTNIK_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/maputnik
MAPUTNIK_TAG The version to be used. 1.6.1
MAPUTNIK_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1

# MariaDB

Variable Description Default value
MARIADB_IMAGE The image to be used. mariadb
MAPUTNIK_TAG The version to be used. 10.5
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD The root password. -
MARIADB_VOLUME_PATH The path to the data volume. If not defined, a mariadb_data named volume will be automatically created. -
MARIADB_CONSTRAINTS The constraints to apply when deploying the service. node.labels.mariadb==true

# Metar

Variable Description Default value
METAR_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-metar
METAR_TAG The version to be used. latest
METAR_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
METAR_TTL The observations time to live. It must be expressed in seconds. 604 800 (7 days)
METAR_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 0 * * * * (every hour)
METAR_BBOX The spatial extention for the area of interest. -180,-90,180,90
METAR_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output.

# Meteo Radar

Variable Description Default value
METAORADAR_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-meteoradar
METAORADAR_TAG The version to be used. 1.0.0
METAORADAR_S3_ENDPOINT The S3 endpoint where to store the data. -
METAORADAR_S3_ACCESS_KEY The S3 access key where to store the data. -
METAORADAR_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The S3 secret access key where to store the data. -
METAORADAR_S3_BUCKET The S3 bucket where to store the data. -
METAORADAR_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 */15 * * * * (every 15 minutes)
METAORADAR_CONSTRAINTS The placement constraints to take into account whend deploying the job. node.role==worker
METAORADAR_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output.

# MongoDB

Variable Description Default value
MONGODB_IMAGE The image to be used. mongo
MONGODB_TAG The version to be used. 4.2
MONGODB_DATABASE A database name used to check the health of the service. kargo

# Mongo Express

Variable Description Default value
MONGO_EXPRESS_IMAGE The image to be used. mongo-express
MONGO_EXPRESS_TAG The version to be used. 0.54
MONGO_EXPRESS_MONGODB_SERVER The MongoDB server name. mongodb

# MongoRS

Variable Description Default value
MONGORS_IMAGE The MongoDB image to be used. mongo
MONGORS_TAG The MongoDB version to be used. 4.2
MONGORS_NAME The name of the Replica Set. mongors
MONGORS_VOLUME_PATH The path to the volume to be mounted to store the data. ``

# OpenAQ

Variable Description Default value
OPENAQ_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-openaq
OPENAQ_TAG The version to be used. 1.0.0
OPENAQ_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
OPENAQ_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 0 * * * * (every hour)
OPENAQ_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``

# OpenRadiation

Variable Description Default value
OPENRADIATION_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-openaq
OPENRADIATION_TAG The version to be used. 1.0.0
OPENRADIATION_KEY The key to be able to consume the OpenRadiation API. The key must be asked to the OpenRadiation team. -
OPENRADIATION_COMPLETE An option to specify whether the job should request the complete list of fields. Check the documentation (opens new window) for more details. true
OPENRADIATION_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
OPENRADIATION_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 0 * * * * (every hour)
OPENRADIATION_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``

# PostGis

Variable Description Default value
POSTGIS_IMAGE The image to be used. postgis/postgis
POSTGIS_TAG The version to be used. 13-3.0-alpine
POSTGIS_ROOT_PASSWORD The root password. -
POSTGIS_VOLUME_PATH The path to the data volume. If not defined, a postgis_data named volume will be automatically created. -
POSTGIS_CONSTRAINTS The constraints to apply when deploying the service. node.labels.postgis==true

# Prometheus

Variable Description Default value
PROMEHTEUS_IMAGE The image to be used. mdillon/postgis
PROMETHEUS_TAG The version to be used. 9.6-alpine
PROMETHEUS_ALERTMANAGER_IMAGE The Alertmanager image to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_ALERTMANAGER_TAG The Alertmanager tag to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_IMAGE The node-exporter image to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG The node-exporter tag to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_IMAGE The cAdvisor image to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG The cAdvisor tag to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_PUSHGATEWAY_IMAGE The Pushgateway image to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_PUSHGATEWAY_TAG The Pushgateway tag to be used. postgres
PROMETHEUS_ADDITIONAL_TARGETS The additional targets to add. By default the target installed are prometheus, cadvisor and node-exppoter. ``

# Redis

Variable Description Default value
REDIS_IMAGE The image to be used. redis
REDIS_TAG The version to be used. 5
REDIS_URL The URL to the service. redis://redis:6379

# Taf

Variable Description Default value
TAF_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-metar
TAF_TAG The version to be used. latest
TAF_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
TAF_TTL The forecasts time to live. It must be expressed in seconds. 604 800 (7 days)
TAF_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 0 * * * * (every hour)
TAF_BBOX The spatial extention for the area of interest. -180,-90,180,90
TAF_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``

# Teleray

Variable Description Default value
TELERAY_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-teleray
TELERAY_TAG The version to be used. 1.2.0
TELERAY_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
TELERAY_MEASUREMENTS_TTL The measurements data time to live. It must be expressed in seconds. 2592000 (30 days)
TELERAY_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 */10 * * * * (every 10 minutes)
TELERAY_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``

# Thredds

Variable Description Default value
THREDDS_IMAGE The image to be used. unidata/thredds-docker
THREDDS_TAG The version to be used. 4.6.19
THREDDS_DATA_PATH The path to the data. /srv/thredds/data
THREDDS_CACHE_PATH The path to the cache. /srv/thredds/cache
THREDDS_USER_ID The user id to use when running Tomcat. $KARGO_USER_ID
THREDDS_GROUP_ID The group id to use when running Tomcat. $KARGO_GROUP_ID
THREDDS_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1
THREDDS_XMX_SIZE JVM Max Heap Size (xmx). 4G
THREDDS_XMS_SIZE JVM Min Heap Size (xms). 4G

# Traefik

Variable Description Default value
TRAEFIK_IMAGE The image to be used. traefik
TRAEFIK_TAG The version to be used. 1.7-alpine
TRAEFIK_ACME_SERVER The url of the Let's Encrypt ACME CA server. https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
TRAEFIK_ACME_EMAIL The email address to be used by Let's Encrypt ACME server. $CONTACT
TRAEFIK_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1

# TileServer GL

Variable Description Default value
TILESERVERGL_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/tileserver-gl
TILESERVERGL_TAG The version to be used. v3.0.0
TILESERVERGL_DATA_PATH The path to the data. /mnt/data0/tileservergl_data
TILESERVERGL_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1
TILESERVERGL_CONSTRAINTS The constraints to apply when deploying the service. node.labels.tileservergl==true

# Vigicrues

Variable Description Default value
VIGICRUES_IMAGE The image to be used. kalisio/k-vigicrues
VIGICRUES_TAG The tag of the image to be used for scraping the stations. 1.3.0
VIGICRUES_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
VIGICRUES_TTL The forecasts data time to live. It must be expressed in seconds. 2592000 (30 days)
VIGICRUES_CRON The cron expression used to run the job. 0 0 */3 * * * (every 3 hours)
VIGICRUES_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``

# Weacast

Variable Description Default value
WEACAST_IMAGE The image to be used. weacast/weacast-api
WEACAST_TAG The version to be used. 1.2.2
WEACAST_APP_SECRET The app secret used to authenticate a client. -
WEACAST_DB_URL The application database URL. -
WEACAST_DATA_DB_URL The database URL where to read the data downloaded by the loaders. -
WEACAST_LOG_LEVEL The log level of the application. verbose
WEACAST_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. ``
WEACAST_REPLICAS The number of replicas. 1

# Weacast-loaders

Variable Description Default value
WEACAST_LOADERS_DB_URL The database URL where to write the data. -
WEACAST_LOADERS_S3_ENDPOINT The storage endpoint where to store the data. -
WEACAST_LOADERS_S3_ACCESS_KEY The storage access key where to store the data. -
WEACAST_LOADERS_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The storage secret access key where to store the data. -
WEACAST_LOADERS_S3_BUCKET The storage bucket where to store the data. -
ARPEGE_WOLRD_LOADER_IMAGE The image to be used to scrape Arpege World data. weacast/weacast-arpege
ARPEGE_WORLD_LOADER_TAG The tag of the image to be used to scrape Arpege World data. world-1.4.1
ARPEGE_WORLD_LOADER_UPPER_LIMIT The time limit, in seconds, of the forecast data to be downloaded. 172800 (2 days)
ARPEGE_WORLD_LOADER_TOKEN The API key to be used to request M2téo France web services. ``
ARPEGE_WORLD_LOADER_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``
ARPEGE_EUROPE_LOADER_IMAGE The image to be used to scrape Arpege Europe data. weacast/weacast-arpege
ARPEGE_EUROPE_LOADER_TAG The tag of the image to be used to scrape Arpege Europe data. europe-1.4.1
ARPEGE_EUROPE_LOADER_UPPER_LIMIT The time limit, in seconds, of the forecast data to be downloaded. 172800 (2 days)
ARPEGE_EUROPE_LOADER_TOKEN The API key to be used to request M2téo France web services. ``
ARPEGE_EUROPE_LOADER_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``
AROME_FRANCE_LOADER_IMAGE The image to be used to scrape Arome France data. weacast/weacast-arome
AROME_FRANCE_LOADER_TAG The tag of the image to be used to scrape Arome France World data. france-1.4.1
AROME_FRANCE_LOADER_UPPER_LIMIT The time limit, in seconds, of the forecast data to be downloaded. 129600 (36 hours)
AROME_FRANCE_LOADER_TOKEN The API key to be used to request M2téo France web services. ``
AROME_FRANCE_LOADER_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``
AROME_FRANCE_HIGH_LOADER_IMAGE The image to be used to scrape Arome France data. weacast/weacast-arome
AROME_FRANCE_HIGH_LOADER_TAG The tag of the image to be used to scrape Arome France World data. france-high-1.4.1
AROME_FRANCE_HIGH_LOADER_UPPER_LIMIT The time limit, in seconds, of the forecast data to be downloaded. 86400(24 hours)
AROME_FRANCE_HIGH_LOADER_TOKEN The API key to be used to request M2téo France web services. ``
AROME_FRANCE_HIGH_LOADER_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``
GFS_WORLD_LOADER_IMAGE The image to be used to scrape GFS World data. weacast/weacast-gfs
GFS_WORLD_LOADER_TAG The tag of the image to be used to scrape Arpege World data. world-1.4.1
GFS_WORLD_LOADER_UPPER_LIMIT The time limit, in seconds, of the forecast data to be downloaded. 259200 (3 days)
GFS_WORLD_DEBUG The namespaces to enable debug output. Set it to krawler* to enable full debug output. ``