# Scripts library

# file

# file_exists

Returns whether the given file exists or not.

Usage: file_exists <file>

# directory_exists

Returns whether the given directory exists or not.

Usage: directory_exists <directory>

# file_path_exists

Returns whether the given file path (file or directory) exists or not.

Usage: file_path_exists <file_path>

# delete_file_if_exists

Deletes the given file if it exists.

Usage: delete_file_if_exist <file>

# create_directory_if_not_exist

Creates the given directory if it does not exist

Usage: create_directory_if_not_exist <directory>

# delete_directory_if_exist

Deletes the given directory if it exists.

Usage: delete_directory_if_exist <directory>

# make_temp_directory

Creates a unique temporary directory in the system's temp and prints it's location. You must specify a directory prefix to be used as part of the directory final name.

Usage: TEMP=$(make_temp_directory <folder_prefix>)

# gdal

# make_tile_index_from_remote_directory

Creates a tile index from all the files in the given remote directory. Use remote_location to specify the bucket where to list files and tile_index_prefix to specify where to write the tile index files (on the local file system).

Usage: make_tile_index_from_remote_directory <remote_location> <tile_index_prefix>

Example: make_tile_index_from_remote_directory scw:bunch/of/cog /srv/mapserver/spain would produce /srv/mapserver/spain.shp from all the files located in scw:bunch/of/cog.

# log

# log_info

Displays informational messages.

Usage: log_info <message>

# log_warning

Displays warning messages.

Usage: log_warning <message>

# log_error

Displays error messages.

Usage: log_error <message>

# mapcache

# delete_mapcache_tiles

Deletes cached tiles from the given layer. You can control the zoom levels from which it will delete tiles using from_z and to_z (both included in the deletion). You can also restrict deletion to a given area using a geojson file for example (not required).

Usage: delete_mapcache_tiles <layer_name> <from_z> <to_z> [area]

# seed_mapcache_tiles

Seed tiles for the given layer. You can control the zoom levels for which it will seed tiles using from_z and to_z (both included in the seeding process). You can also restrict seeding to a given area using a geojson file for example (not required).

Usage: seed_mapcache_tiles <layer_name> <from_z> <to_z> <num_threads> [area]

# mariadb

# mariadb_db_exists

Returns whether the given database exists.

Usage: mariadb_db_exists <database>

# create_mariadb_db

Creates the given database.

Usage: create_mariadb_db <database>

# create_mariadb_user

Creates the given user and grants him the privileges to access the specified database.

Usage: create_mariadb_user <user> <password> <database>

# drop_mariadb_db

Deletes the given database.

Usage: drop_mariadb_db <database>

# drop_mariadb_user

Deletes the given user.

Usage: drop_mariadb_user <user>

# backup_mariadb_db

Backup the given database to the specified directory. The generated backup file compressed using gzip and is named accordingly the name of the database, e.g. <database>.gz.

Usage: backup_mariadb_db <user> <password> <database> <directory>

# restore_mariadb_db

Restore the given database from the specified backup file. The backup file must be compressed using gzip compression and located in the specified directory.

Usage: restore_mariadb_db <user> <password> <database> <directory>

# postgis

# postgis_db_exists

Returns whether the given database exists.

Usage: postgis_db_exists <database>

# create_postgis_db

Creates the given database.

Usage: create_postgis_db <database>

# create_postgis_user

Creates the given user and grants him the privileges to access the specified database.

Usage: create_postgis_user <user> <password> <database>

# drop_postgis_db

Deletes the given database.

Usage: drop_postgis_db <database>

# drop_postgis_user

Deletes the given user.

Usage: drop_postgis_user <user>

# backup_postgis_db

Backup the given database to the specified directory. The generated backup file compressed using gzip and is named accordingly the name of the database, e.g. <database>.gz.

Usage: backup_postgis_db <user> <password> <database> <directory>

# restore_postgis_db

Restore the given database from the specified backup file. The backup file must be compressed using gzip compression and located in the specified directory.

Usage: restore_postgis_db <user> <password> <database> <directory>

# rclone


Scripts rely on the rclone configuration.

# remote_exists

Returns whether the given remote exists.

Usage: remote_exists <remote>

# copy_to_remote

Copy the given source to the specified remote location

Usage: copy_to_remote <remote> <source> <destination>

# copy_from_remote

Copy from given remote source to the specified location

Usage: copy_from_remote <remote> <source> <destination>

# slack


To be able to send Slack notification you must define the variable SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL.

# notify_slack

Send an informational message to slack

Usage: notify_slack <message> [default|good|danger]

# notify_slack_good

Send a message with the style good to slack.

Usage: notify_slack_good <message>

# notify_slack_danger

Send a message with the style danger to slack.

Usage: notify_slack_danger <message>

# swarm

# all_swarm_nodes

Print the name of all the nodes in the swarm

Usage: ALL=$(all_swarm_nodes)

# docker_id_from_name

Print the id of the docker with a matching name

Usage: DOCKER_ID=$(docker_id_from_name mapserver)

# other_swarm_nodes

Print the name of the all nodes in the swarm minus the node we're running on.

Usage: OTHER=$(other_swarm_nodes)

# this_swarm_node

Print the name of the running node.

Usage: THIS=$(this_swarm_node)