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Generating the doc

The approach we have adopted rely on VitePress to generate the static web site

Install VitePress

You first need to install vitepress:

$yarn add -D vitepress

And then add the documentation generation scripts to the package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "vitepress dev",
  "build": "vitepress build",
  "preview": "vitepress preview"

Create the following directory structure to store the VuePress stuff:

|_ .vitepress/
|    |_ config.mjs
|_ package.json
  • .vitepress stores the VitePress configuration.
  • is the entry point of your documentation.
  • package.json is the Node.js entry point to build the documentation. The file must have the following content:
  "name": "docs",
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "vitepress dev",
    "build": "vitepress build",
    "preview": "vitepress preview"
  "devDependencies": {
    "keycloak-js": "^23.0.4",
    "lodash": "^4.17.21",
    "mermaid": "^10.8.0",
    "moment": "^2.30.1",
    "quasar": "^2.14.3",
    "vitepress": "^1.0.0-rc.40",
    "vitepress-plugin-mermaid": "^2.0.16",
    "vitepress-theme-kalisio": ""


The structure follows the VitePress directory structure and more information can be found here

Configure VitePress

Edit the config.mjs to configure VitePress. We usually have this kind of configuration:

import { defineConfig } from 'vitepress'
import { withMermaid } from 'vitepress-plugin-mermaid'

export default withMermaid(
    base: '/kdk/',
    title: 'KDK',
    description: 'The Kalisio Development Kit',
    ignoreDeadLinks: true,
    head: [
      ['link', { href: '', rel: 'stylesheet' }],
      ['link', { rel: 'icon', href: '' }]
    themeConfig: {
      logo: '',
      jwt: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJkZXYua2FsaXNpby54eXoiLCJpc3MiOiJrYWxpc2lvIn0.CGvJwPPkuiFvNzo3zUBb-_vwD0CKbUfm7w7TkCY-Ts4',
      socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: '' }],
      nav: [
        { text: 'About', link: '/about/introduction' },
        { text: 'Guides', link: '/guides/introduction' },
        { text: 'Architecture', link: '/architecture/introduction' },
        { text: 'API', link: '/api/introduction' },
        { text: 'Tips', link: '/tips/introduction' },
        { text: 'Tools', link: '/tools/introduction' }
      sidebar: {
        '/about/': getAboutSidebar(),
        '/guides/': getGuidesSidebar(),
        '/architecture/': getArchitectureSidebar(),
        '/api/': getAPISidebar(),
        '/tips/': getTipsSidebar(),
        '/tools/': getToolsSidebar()
      trustLogos: [
        { imageLink: '', link: '' },
        { imageLink: '', link: '' }
      footer: {
        copyright: 'MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2017-20xx Kalisio'
    vite: {
      optimizeDeps: {
        include: ['keycloak-js', 'lodash'],
      ssr: {
        noExternal: ['vitepress-theme-kalisio']

function getAboutSidebar () {
  return [
    { text: 'About', link: '/about/introduction' },
    { text: 'Roadmap', link: '/about/roadmap' },
    { text: 'Contributing', link: '/about/contributing' },
    { text: 'License', link: '/about/license' },
    { text: 'Contact', link: '/about/contact' }

function getGuidesSidebar () {
  return [
    { text: 'Guides', link: '/guides/introduction' },
    { text: 'The Basics', collapsed: true, items: [{ text: 'Introduction to KDK', link: '/guides/basics/introduction' }]},
      text: 'Development', 
      collapsed: true, 
      items: [
        { text: 'Setup your environment', link: '/guides/development/setup' },
        { text: 'Develop with KDK', link: '/guides/development/develop' },
        { text: 'Testing with KDK', link: '/guides/development/test' },
        { text: 'Configure your app', link: '/guides/development/configure' },
        { text: 'Deploy your app', link: '/guides/development/deploy' },
        { text: 'Publish with KDK', link: '/guides/development/publish' }
      text: 'Howtos',
      collapsed: true,
      items: [
        { text: 'Create a service', link: '/guides/howtos/create-service' },
        { text: 'Distribute a service', link: '/guides/howtos/distribute-service' },
        { text: 'Manage permissions', link: '/guides/howtos/manage-permissions' },
        { text: 'Manage collection', link: '/guides/howtos/manage-collection' },
        { text: 'Connect to a planet', link: '/guides/howtos/connect-planet' }

function getArchitectureSidebar () {
  return [
    { text: 'Architecture', link: '/architecture/introduction' },
    { text: 'Main concepts', link: '/architecture/main-concepts' },
    { text: 'Global architecture', link: '/architecture/global-architecture' },
    { text: 'Component view', link: '/architecture/component-view' },
    { text: 'Data model-oriented view of the architecture', link: '/architecture/data-model-view' }

function getAPISidebar () {
  return [
    { text: 'API', link: '/api/introduction' },
      text: 'core', 
      collapsed: true, 
      items: [
        { text: 'Overview', link: '/api/core/introduction' },
        { text: 'Application', link: '/api/core/application' },
        { text: 'Services', link: '/api/core/services' },
        { text: 'Hooks', link: '/api/core/hooks' },
        { text: 'Components', link: '/api/core/components' },
        { text: 'Mixins', link: '/api/core/mixins' },
        { text: 'Composables', link: '/api/core/composables' }
      text: 'map', 
      collapsed: true, 
      items: [
        { text: 'Overview', link: '/api/map/introduction' },
        { text: 'Services', link: '/api/map/services' },
        { text: 'Hooks', link: '/api/map/hooks' },
        { text: 'Components', link: '/api/map/components' },
        { text: 'Mixins', link: '/api/map/mixins' },
        { text: 'Map Mixins', link: '/api/map/map-mixins' },
        { text: 'Globe Mixins', link: '/api/map/globe-mixins' },
        { text: 'Composables', link: '/api/map/composables' }

function getTipsSidebar () {
  return [
    { text: 'Tips', link: '/tips/introduction' },
    { text: 'Application development', link: '/tips/app-development' },
    { text: 'Mobile configuration', link: '/tips/mobile-configuration' }

function getToolsSidebar () {
  return [
    { text: 'Tools', link: '/tools/introduction' },
    { text: 'Command-line tools', link: '/tools/cli' },
    { text: 'Browser-based tools', link: '/tools/browsers' },
    { text: 'Documentation', link: '/tools/documentation' },
    { text: 'Infrastructure', link: '/tools/infrastructure' }

Write the documentation

Here are few tips to know when writing the documentation:

  • Pages structure: the pages should match the navigation structure you have defined in the config.js file.
  • Handling assets: you can simply refer to the asset using relative URLs. Please refer to the Asset Handling page to know more.
  • Take advantage of Markdown extensions

Deploy the documentation to the gh-pages

Add the following lines to your .travis.yml file:

  - stage: DOCS
    language: node_js
    - '8'
    install: true
    - cd docs && yarn install && yarn build
      provider: pages
      local-dir: docs/.vitepress/dist
      skip-cleanup: true
      github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN  
      keep-history: true
        branch: master


You must set the secure variable GITHUB_TOKEN in your Travis CI project settings

Working with diagrams

We use two distinct tools to work with diagrams:

  •] a complete editor to create well known diagrams
  • mermaid which allows you to generate diagrams from a simple text definition. We mainly use mermaid to create the hooks diagrams.

To be able to include the diagrams within the documentation, we adopted the following methodology:

  1. make it with and store it in this folder
  2. export it as SVG/PNG in the root assets folder
  3. reference it in the documentation using a link like this ![My legend](


  1. install the mermaid CLI
  2. start from the hooks diagram template file
  3. output the SVG/PNG file in the root assets folder using mmdc -i ./my-hooks-diagram.mmd -t neutral -b transparent -o my-hooks-diagram.svg
  4. reference it in the documentation using a link like this ![My legend](

The template looks like this: Hooks Diagram Template