v2.5 - Not yet released
More details can be found in the related milestone on GitHub.
Major breaking changes
💥 Exposed properties changed in composable activity.js
. state
, options
and name
properties are now exposed using a more global object CurrentActivityContext
which is reactive (see https://github.com/kalisio/kdk/issues/1055).
To retrieve the state
of the CurrentActivity
you can now proceed that way:
const { CurrentActivityContext } = useCurrentActivity()
const { state } = CurrentActivityContext
When using the composable activity.js
from an another composable be aware that the CurrentActivity
is not set and the CurrentActivityContext
exposed properties are null
. You should watch the CurrentActivity
value to use the CurrentActivityContext
💥 Renamed composable file counter.js
to collection-counter.js
. Therefore, the useCounter
function is renamed to useCollectionCounter
💥 KChip
has been redesigned, and its API has changed significantly.
💥 KChipsPane
has been removed.
Major new features
👉 New KRequestProgressBar
component to be used in your App.vue
or equivalent in order to display a progress bar whenever a request to the server is processing.
👉 New useErrors()
composable to be used in your App.vue
or equivalent in order to display a notification whenever a request to the server raises an error.
👉 Ability for JWTs to target a user using others properties than the user ID, applications should allow this in their authentication configuration otherwise the default behavior still relies on the user ID.
⬇️ Example of an authentication configuration to allow JWT identifying a user by email
// default.js of your application, assuming your user objects have an email properties
authentication: {
identityFields: ['email'],
Your JWT can now be issued as usual but using a payload like this:
"aud": "kalisio.xyz",
"iss": "kalisio",
"exp": 1552402010,
"sub": "user_email@gmail.com"
👉 New KOAuthLoginScreen
and KOAuthLogouScreen
components to be used in your app when relying on an OAuth provider instead of local authentication.
⬇️ Example of configurations to be used to allow single login/logout with a keycloak
// frontend route.js of your application
login: 'screen/KOAuthLoginScreen',
'logout/:provider?': {
name: 'logout',
component: 'screen/KOAuthLogoutScreen',
// frontend default.js of your application
screens: {
login: {
actions: [
{ id: 'keycloak-link', label: 'screen.LOGIN_WITH_KEYCLOAK', renderer: 'form-button', route: { url: '/oauth/keycloak' } }
leftPane: {
content: [
{ id: 'logout', icon: 'las la-sign-out-alt', label: 'sideNav.LOGOUT', route: { name: 'logout', params: { provider: 'keycloak' } }, renderer: 'item' }
// backend default.js of your application
authentication: {
oauth: {
keycloak: {
logout_url: `${keycloakBaseUrl}/logout`
👉 New logout
custom method and related custom event that can be sent from server to connected clients whenever a user has logout from one client of your application.
⬇️ How you can call it to logout all clients
// channels.js of your application
app.on('logout', (authResult, { connection }) => {
// connection can be undefined if there is no
// real-time connection, e.g. when logging in via REST
if (connection) {
// Obtain the logged user from the connection
const user = connection.user
const usersService = app.getService('users')
const usersService = app.getService('users')
usersService.publish('logout', (data, hook) => {
const user = data
// Publish logout event to target user only
return app.channel('authenticated').filter(connection => {
const connectionUser = connection.user
return user && connectionUser && connectionUser._id.toString() === user._id.toString()
On the client side the session composable will listen to this event automatically to redirect the user to the logout page.
👉 The declareService
client method should now be replaced by createService
like on the server side in order to initialize the required services for your app upfront. The getService
client method now relies on this declaration to return the appropriate service when not explicitely providing the context as input parameter.